Since uh☝🏻 when

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I made my way down to the great hall for some breakfast.

This next week is going to be so boring

I sat down shoving a piece of toast in my mouth when I spotted a lonley boy sitting two seats away from me.

Me being me I moved down beside him.

" hi. Hayden Jimenez" I stated giving him my hand to shake

"Uh- frank longbottom" he said shaking my hand.

I'm sorry longbottom? As in Neville longbottom-
Well hell.

" you're dating Alice right?" I asked him

" well not really we've only been on a few dates" he said quietly

" well nev- I mean frank I'll let you get back to reading your book in peace" I said before waving at him as he waved back.

I decided to go back to the common room and start wrapping presents I got for the boys and the girls.

Tomorrow is Christmas so they should get there by the morning.

I got lily a copy of The picture of Dorian gray since she seemed to want to read it pretty badly. I also got her a necklace with a flower on it, because James and I call her lily flower get it?

For Alice I got her one of the best eyeliner brands I could find and a gray sweatshirt

For Marlene I got her some new jeans because I never seen the girl wear anything other than her regular pair of jeans whenever we didn't have to wear our robes.

For Siruis I got him a friendship bracelet asf😫 along with a record of queen's most popular song this year was ironically bohemian rhapsody and I just know he's going to love it.

I got James a quidditch sweater since his old one was almost completely worn out and a record player ( dumbledick let me use his money okay🙄)

For Remus I got him LOTS AND LOTS OF CHOCOLATE with a card. I know he's probably not going to speak to me after what happened last week but I still got him something.

And for Pete I got him a copy of the picture of Dorian gray since he really wanted to read it and I doubt Remus let him, and I knitted him a green sweater which he better wear.

I started writing letters for them to open

Dear Jamesie,

I hope you like what I got you. The record player I think you'll like the best and I got you that quidditch sweater cause yours looks beaten up and tight so. Also I will sing to you when you get back

Merry Christmas James
Sincerely, Hayden.<3

Dear lils,

Hi lily! I hope everything is okay over there! I hope you like the presents I got you!! I got you that necklace cause I thought it was cool considering James and I call you lily flower

I think you're not going to wear it because of James but atleast wear it for me!

And I remember how you said you wanted to read the picture of Dorian gray so I got you a copy:)

Merry Christmas lily! I hope it a good one

Sincerely, Hayden

Dear Siri,

Hello my dear love Siruis, I hope your having a wonderful time with James! I got you a friendship bracelet so you better wear it or I'll beat your ass from here into next week.

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