Literally what the actual fuckery is this?

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I awoke with a sharp pain in my thigh, not that I'm surprised though. I get them pretty often. I brought my hand down to my thigh and rubbed it gently to make it go away.

Once it had eased up a bit I stood up onto my feet cracking my back as I did so. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a hoodie since I didn't feel like doing anything today.

I stepped out of the dorm and the closer I got to the common room the bigger of a mess I saw.

I stood there in complete disbelief. Cups everywhere, some type of party string, bottles of alcohol placed around the entire common room, there's literally a condom on the floor.

" literally what in the actual fuckery is this?" I said going over to Sirius who was passed out on the couch.

I shook him slightly " siri. Wake up." I whispered.

He didn't move.

"Siri" I shook him once again.

Still no answer.

" SIRIUS BLACK!" I shook him once again. He jolted awake.

" yes mum?" His eyes widened

" no Siri it's me. Go back to your dorm. Go get some sleep." I said guiding him up the stairs.

He went into his dorm and I went back downstairs. I looked around again only to find Remus over by the fire passed out.

I sighed " Jesus chirst." I said whilst rubbing my head.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him

" rem." I said softly.

He immediately started shuffling and responded with a hum.

I was about to say something else when he shot up and went for the bathroom. I followed after him making sure he got there in time

Spoiler alert he didn't.

He went into the bathroom and started throwing up. I sat there rubbing his back softly for atleast some comfort.

" you had a little bit to much fun last night didn't you?" I asked him softly.

He nodded his head. " I don't ever wanna have fun again." He sat back on the wall tiredly and laughed. Yeah he's still drunk.

I stood up sighing lightly.
" let's get you to my bed. Pete was sprung out on your bed." I said grabbing his hand pulling him up.

His weight shifted onto me which caused me to fall down taking him with me. I groaned causing Remus to go completely mental

" shit- I'm sorry hayden I didn't mean-"

I cut him off " rem it's okay. Just." I stopped my sentence getting up and taking him with me.

I put his arm over my shoulder pulling his weight since he can barely stand himself up. We got to my dorm and I went over to my bed.

I laid him down and put his feet up into the bed.

I went to pull the covers up but he stopped me By putting his hand out to mine

" Hayden?" He said quietly

" yes?" I replied softly careful not to talk to loud.

" you know I love you right?" He said looking up at me

" of course I do." I smiled at him

" it's just- I think you don't because you know we haven't had sex yet and I-"

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