Roll the dice all the way to hell at this point😟‼️

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(TRIGGER WARNING- mentions of insecurity and self harm)


" haydennnn. Wake up wake up. It's time
to wake up. The sun is out which means it's time for Hayden to wake up! Sooooo wakeeeee UPPPPPP" Sirius sung, very loudly I might add.

" Sirius Orion black. Shut.the.fuck.up. I'm trying to sleep." I said frustrated

" I will, IF YOU WAKE THE BLOODY HELL UP!" He yelled which caused me to flinch a bit.

" okay!okay! I'm up. Jesus." I said sitting up onto my bed.

" now come down to the great hall. Remus wants you apparently." He rolled his eyes before taking my hand and leading me.

" Sirius slow down!" I said as I rubbed my face as I wasn't fully awake yet.

" well Remus keeps bugging me so I'm going to go as fast as I want!" He said picking his pace up.

We finally got to the great hall doors and he let go of my wrists. I rubbed them slightly as they stung because of the grip he had while he was holding onto me.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat done beside Remus as Sirius sat down beside me.

" what was it that you wanted rem?" I asked him grabbing a piece of toast off of his plate.

" oh I wanted to make sure you're up so we all can go study after we're done here." He said smiling brightly at me.

" oh right! Yeah of course." I said before pecking him on the lips.

He nodded and put his head back down to get another bite of his food. My eyes were still on him, I sat there tracing every feature of his face like I had done a million times before, and as my heart begins to to beat the rhythm of his slow breathes, he spoke up.

" is everything alright?" He asked me with concern washed over his face.

" yeah I'm okay." I said fiddling with the end of my sweaters. Something I tend to do when I'm nervous.

He still makes me so nervous.


4 hours. We have been at this shit for FOUR HOURS- trying to figure it out.

It's literally 5:35 now😐☝🏻

Sirius groaned and threw his head back in frustration " professor Trelawney didn't even teach us any of this shit!" He said throwing his book down.

" I should just roll the dice all the way to hell at this point." I said closing my book.

" I mean at this point I should just ask her for a shovel so the hole I'm digging myself gets bigger so I can eventually crawl up and die in it." I said looking at the floor with a sigh.

" this test is like our whole grade hayden." Lily informed me

" yes I'm aware." I rolled my eyes

" I- erm okay. Maybe we should take a break?" Remus offered

" I like that idea." I said standing up onto my feet to stretch

Everyone got up after me all taking their turns to stretch.

" what shall we do?" I asked trying to go Remus's accent which was surprisingly good.

" we should go to the black lack and swim!" Sirius said getting excited

" arent there mermaids in there?" Peter asked wide eyed

" nonsense. There are no mermaids in there." He scoffed

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