What's dead should stay dead.

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I finished packing my suitcase and zipped it up. The boys left two days ago so I didn't have to worry about them packing.

I drug my suitcase all the way downstairs. Double checking once more to be sure I had everything. I made my way out of the door locking it behind me.


I got to kings cross station just as the train was going to leave so I didn't get the time to actually find anyone

I got onto the train faster than I would have liked to causing me to slip and fall. Thankfully no one was around to see that.

I started looking in the compartments for the marauders or atleast lily Mary or Alice, but I ended up not finding them so I sat down in one that was empty.

I don't mind it. The quiet. I've never really been a loud person, much less someone who talks much, but the marauders seemed to have changed that. I really would talk to anyone now, a year ago I would have ran away the second someone came up to me.

But that doesn't mean that pit in my stomach doesn't grow. It does all the time. You know that feeling when you're so nervous you just want to throw up? That. That is what it feels like. And it feels absolutely terrible. If anyone has felt that feeling I feel sorry for them. I wouldn't wish that feeling on my worst enemy.

The compartment door sliding open pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned my head and Mary was standing in the doorway.

" there you are! We've been looking for you" she gave me a soft smile

" I couldn't find you guys, so I just came here" I sent her a smile back

" well if you don't mind. Can I sit here?" She asked.

" yeah of course." I motioned towards the seat infront of me

She sat down facing her body towards the window as she did so. " I know we really haven't talked at all, but I can tell you're a good friend." She smiled

" I try to be" I let out a sigh mixed with a smile

She smiled at me once more then averted her gaze to the window.


We both got out of the compartment Mary rushing out so she could get her stuff before the train takes off again.

I got my stuff down and headed out of the door. I walked through the train untill I got to where it lets us off.

I got off the train searching for anyone. I spotted messy hair and instantly knew it was James. I started walking in that direction

Of course he spotted me first before anyone else did. He frantically waved whilst calling out my name. I rolled my eyes playfully.

I finally got to them and the first person to hug me was surprisingly Peter. I hugged him back obviously. Don't give me that " but he's the spy!" Shit. Yeah he is but it hasn't happened yet.

" so what did you do all summer?" He asked me with a smile

" literally nothing. What about you?" I asked him

" well I did go over to my grandparents house, but that's about it" he replied with the smile still placed onto his cheeks.

If I'm being totally honest I didn't even notice remus beside him.

I turned to him " hi mí amòr" I said before kissing him lightly on the lips.

" you know French?" He raised an eyebrow

" a little." I shrugged.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and lily was there smiling very brightly at me.

GO WHITE BOY GO|Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now