18. It Isn't Home Without You

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Donatello blinked, looking at a dark gray ceiling. He sat up and found no pain in his body.

What happened? How long had it been if he felt no pain? Donatello looked over his arms, his legs and his plastron, and found no bruises, no scars, not even the ones from where he had cut himself. His body looked reborn.

Around his wrists he found what looked like really thick silver bands. Of course there was more to it, he just couldn't figure out what their purpose was. At closer look, Donatello couldn't find a seam in them, so he focused back on how there wasn't a mark on his body.

The cell was dark, but not completely pitch black. Over in the corner to the left was a sad excuse for a toilet, and a rusty sink. The door was over in the right, and looked like it was heavy and decades old.

Donnie got up, and began pacing. His mind raced, did Mikey remember his riddle? Why wasn't he covered in scars when he should be?

His thoughts were interrupted by the door being opened, and a familiar kunoichi entering, looking very happy.

Donatello didn't allow himself to feel fear from her anymore. What was the point? It would be all the more torture if he gave into her fantasy of his fear and suffering. Now was the time to show her he didn't care about her anymore, and that she would not break him.

Instead of standing like he was, Donatello made no eye contact, and simply sat down, crossing his legs and pretending she wasn't even there.

Karai narrowed her eyes, hoping for more of a reaction than that. She decided to play along with him, sitting down in front of him.

Donatello didn't even look up.

"Trying to be defiant? It won't work you know." Karai's eyebrows narrowed slightly as she got nothing out of the turtle in front of her. She took a different approach.

"Aren't you curious?" She asked, watching him carefully, but Donatello remained staring at the ground.

"Father beat you bad, don't think I've seen as many broken bones at one time." Karai said, putting her hands on her knees, leaning forward.

No response.

"That happened only hours ago, aren't you wondering how your body is absolutely fine?" Karai grew frustrated at the turtles silence. "Weren't you a noble little reptile when you let your family go on without you?"


"They looked so happy, probably relieved that they didn't have to drag your sorry shell home." Karai spat, aiming to get him to fight back.

"I know I'd want you gone, wasting valuable space with your useless presence," Karai went on, "I'd have thrown you out a long time ago."

Donatello bit his tongue, seething in anger. It took all his self-restraint not to attack Karai.

"So I'll answer what you're probably thinking, the Kraang fixed you, just like they fixed my jaw. Surely you felt the spray they used?" Karai grinned, she knew the statement before had gotten to the turtle.

Donatello remembered the feeling of something on his skin, he hadn't remembered much after that, but the pain had begun to cease after.

"Of course poor Raphael might die now... How are you going to live with the guilt? It's all your fault." Karai struck the wrong nerve in Donatello. He looked up slowly, glaring daggers at Karai. He gritted his teeth, and found his hands had clenched into tight fists as he launched himself on top of the kunoichi.

She screamed when Donnie had her trapped beneath him, punching her continuously as he let out all the anger that had built inside him.

"This isn't my fault! This is YOUR FAULT!" Donatello screamed at her, continuing to hit her.

And it went on, Donnie hitting Karai until she was sure to be black and blue. The door swung open, and foot soldiers sprinted in, grabbed both of Donnie's arms, and dragged him off Karai kicking and screaming.

"I'll kill you if he dies! I'LL STRAIGHT OUT MURDER YOU!" Donatello yelled as Karai needed help to stand up.

But Donnie wouldn't give up, he had much more he wanted to do. He wanted to beat the living day lights out of her. So she couldn't get up.

The foot soldiers held Karai up by her elbows, both her eyes already black and numerous bruises coloured her face. Donnie gave an almighty kick to the soldier on his left, flipped the soldier on his right, ran towards Karai and gave her the hardest kick he could muster right in her ribs.

She crumpled to the ground, the foot soldiers still holding on to her as Donatello resumed his attack. No sooner had more foot soldiers arrived, and had dragged him away once more.

Donnie struggled against their grip, but was some what satisfied with the beating he gave Karai. Still, he'd like to get at her again, show her what a real beating was like if he had it his way.

To his surprise, Karai got up again, hobbling towards him and raised her fists despite of how unstable she was. She got a bit too close, and Donatello was able to kick her right in the face, knocking her back into the foot soldier's arms.

Another foot soldier came in with what looked like a remote, and with a press of one of the buttons, Donatello felt the nip in his wrists, and immediately the world went black.

°At The Lair°

"Leonardo, I will not say this again, you must go to bed." Master Splinter tried again to make his eldest son go to bed. He had been trying for the last half hour and was still unsuccessful.

"I-I need to be sure Raphs okay." Leonardo stubbornly sat at Raphael's bedside, his eyes drooping more and more by each passing second.

"Leonardo, it's 4 in the morning, come on to bed now, I will be looking over Raphael tonight and tommorow you can stay with him." Splinter coaxed him to come, but Leonardo remained sitting in the chair by Raph's bed.

Splinter walked around to the exhausted young turtle, and scooped him up into his arms, receiving a feint struggle but nothing he couldn't manage.

"No I have to s-stay..." As soon as Leonardo had it said, his head leaned on Splinter's shoulder, as he fell asleep on the spot.

Although his thoughts were clouded with thoughts about his captivated son, Splinter gave a small smile at Leo's instant slumber, knowing how much his eldest son needed rest.

He walked down the hall, and into Leo's bedroom, setting his son down on his bed and removing all his gear then covering him with a blanket. Splinter kissed his son's forehead, grateful as many of them got out as possible, but saddened that Donatello was left in Shredder's hands.

Closing the door on the way out, Splinter walked down the hall to Hannah's room to check on her before going back to Raphael. Upon opening the door, he saw Mikey and Celyn sitting beside Hannah's bed and he sighed exasperatedly.

"Back to bed you two," Splinter said, walking over to Michelangelo and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hannah will be just fine, she just needs rest and time to recover."

Mikey looked up, his face like a puppy that just got told off. "I can't sleep Sensei." Mikey hugged around Splinter's middle, tears streaming down his face.

"We will get him back Michelangelo." Splinter put his hand around Mikey's shoulder, hugging his youngest son.

But Splinter couldn't even convince himself that was true, if Shredder let Karai kill with no regards to who it was, then there was no doubt in Splinter's mind that he would kill his son at any time.

But for Mikey's sake, for everyones sake, Splinter had to have hope. Even if it was a miniscule amount.

Mikey, Celyn and Splinter left the room together, a long sleepless night ahead of them.

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