15. We Fight And Hope We Don't Die

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-3rd Person POV-

Zooming down the streets of New York, the mysterious large van caught the eye of very little people due to the speed it was going.

People may have thought it was a bit of fun, or part of some comedy act, yet the tension inside that very van was so high, it could blow up a building.

Donatello drove, Raphael was a few feet back at a station where GPS and maps were positioned, and the rest of the van's stations were unoccupied.

It broke Donatello's heart to think that this was his last few moments with his brother. That he wouldn't even get to be at April's funeral. He felt like giving up, killing himself there and then, but that wouldn't save anyone. Just get everyone killed.

He had pulled himself together, pushed himself to be brave, and drove down the streets of New York, his brother unaware of the sacrifice Donatello was prepared to give to ensure his family lived.

Heading south, they couldn't find the black and white building Karai had been talking about. Feeling that the building wouldn't be close to the city, never mind in it, Donatello headed on south, looking around for any buildings of the colour.

They soon came to find the huge castle-like building in a town they'd never heard tell off, and stopped outside it. Many buildings were around, but there was no people.

The stillness made both of the turtles uneasy, and it was evident Shredder ruled the town. Donatello parked the van on the outskirts of the town, just in case any of the foot decided to take it and no one could get out of this.

Donnie looked back at Raph, masking his fear at the thought of dying or being tortured here the rest of his life. He gave Raph a small nod,which Raph returned, and got out of the van.

They wouldn't use the weapons the shell raiser wielded incase of blowing up Leo,Mikey or Hannah, and pulled out their traditional weapons. They walked to outisde the entrance and stopped.

"Raph, if we both die doing this, I just want you to know... I love ya bro," Donnie said sadly, looking at the castle of a building before him.

"You too bro," Raph and Donnie bumped fists lightly, and turned back towards the building.

Even though they were going to be hopelessly outnumbered, Raphael still had a small glint of hope in his eyes.

Donatello however, had a look of pure defeat, knowing what fate awaited him when he set foot in the building.


The doors opened automatically, as though they were being invited in to the building. When the large black doors opened, they were met with a castle like courtyard, and there was four buildings concealed within the grounds. They hadn't seen from the outside that there was no roof, but what they thought was the building was actually just a wall.

The four buildings were black, one situated on each corner of the large square courtyard. There were bridge like paths connecting each building.

Raph and Donnie walked in cautiously, scanning the area for enemies. They looked at the four buildings, and wondered how they would possibly find Leo, Mikey and Hannah without getting caught.

The sun was setting, the grounds were growing darker and the sun's rays were replaced with old time looking torches lined along the walls.

They knew it was only a matter of hours until Karai killed again, and they were going to be hopelessly outnumbered when they were found on the grounds.

They sinked into the small shadows that the walls provided, and began sliding across towards the buildings opposite the entrance. If the guys were here, they wouldn't be close to the entrance where they could escape.

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