10. Missing Photos

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Mikey's POV

"C'mon bro you hit your head, this will make it better"

"Go away Mikey.."

I've been trying to put ice on Don's head for a while now, but he refuses to let me do it.

What's happened to my big brother? What's Karai done? Why would he kill himself?

I'm trying my best not to cry all day, but it's hard when you had to stop your brother from ending his life and stay positive. What's positive about any of this?

Better yet we don't know what he's went through. Anything could have been happening and we had no clue he was so sad.

All he's done ever since is stare at the wall with his back turned to us. Not even Hannah can get him to talk to us. I sighed sadly.

"Don, please...talk to me" I pleaded.

"I don't wanna talk." He said really quietly, and he sniffled.

"Please, just tell me what she did." I said sadly.

I knew it was hopeless. I got up and walked for the door after waiting 5 or so minutes, and taking a sad look at my brother before I left his room.

April left in a bad state after what happened. Leo and Raph had went with her, they still aren't back yet.

Hannah was waiting for me in the living area. I just gave her a sad shake of my head, and she understood I hadn't got him to talk.

She walked past me, a sad expression plastered on her face. Hannah and I had decided it was best Donnie wasn't left alone. Just incase... so we took turns sitting in his room with him.

I walked into Donnie's lab, looking around. I went to my favourite part of his lab. The photo shelf.

One of my favourite photos was of when we were baby turtles. It was quite precious as we didn't have many baby photos.

I looked around. It wasn't there. Where was it? Another family photo was gone, the one with us and Splinter. Why would he take them down?

Slowly walking away, I went to his desk. I opened the top left drawer. If he put them anywhere it would be in his desk.

Just a load of plans and blueprints were in this drawer. I opened the bottom left drawer, a few gadgets and stuff. Top right drawer, glasses parts and various other small parts I had no idea what they were.

Finally bottom right drawer, more plans and notes and files. I shut it closed and sighed. Then something dawned on me.

I opened up the bottom right drawer again, and pulled out all the files and notes, placing them neatly on the floor. Then I pulled at the bottom of the drawer, and my thoughts were right. There was a false bottom on the drawer.

In it I found what looked like a diary, or should I say journal. I also found some knives... they were a bit bloody.

I didn't even want to touch the knives, so I lifted the journal up in my hands and opened it slowly.

It seemed pretty normal. Just what we did, what new enemies we made.. that is until I came across a completely different page.

I told April how I feel about her today. I told her I loved her but she rubbed it all in my face. Told me she loved Casey. Im just a turtle. A giant turtle. It would never work..

"Aw.. Donnie..." I said sadly to myself and read on.

Ugly. Too tall. Too smart. Disgusting.. waste of space..

To Die Happy (Tmnt Donatello Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat