I'm Not Dead

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Hello there everyone! I have not died :)

I really am sorry about the serious inactivity, but school being the lovely place it is (sarcasm) decided, 'Hey! Let's give them an unfathomable amount of work and take up all their time!'

While I seriously need to re-write 'Forced To Move On' because chapter two is seriously bugging me, there is one story that I can't stop thinking about, and I've already wrote so many small parts for it I just have to focus on it. Sorry that I don't seem to stick on a story, but man I just need to write this new one.

And yep it's a tmnt fic that's going to be very um... Un-innocent. Donnie's gonna be my main man once again (damn that turtle is taking over my life) and I'm sure you guys can tell it will be my favorite genre -hurt/angst. Wow, I'm creepy but I seriously love twisted, dark stories.

So, I really really wanted to do a Q&A but never really got the guts to do it (partly because I didn't think anyone would wanna ask me anything) but if anyone has any questions regarding me, my stories, pretty much anything feel free to ask! I'll post it say tommorow, and with summer coming I'm getting back in to writing!

Thanks for the support, I'm so grateful for it. Even the smallest comments mean the absolute world to me, so feel free to comment because it just makes my day!

Till' Next Time!

-Aoifetello xxx

To Die Happy (Tmnt Donatello Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now