19. Forever Declining

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°Some strong language in this chapter

There was no words. There was no sounds except the harsh whip that slapped down on Donatello's shell.

It had been going on for a while now. Donatello wasn't expecting Shredder to be as ruthless as he was.

But now as he lay sprawled out on the floor, bleeding from being whipped for what seemed like hours, Donnie knew not to underestimate Shredder in the slightest.

But Donnie regretted nothing.

In fact Donnie was happy Shredder was doing this. It meant he had done a good job on Karai and if getting to beat her meant this is what Shredder would do, Donnie would happily do it again. But it just seemed to drag on, and on, and on.

It came to the point where he was used to the same repetitive feeling of Shredder lashing at his shell. Donnie wasn't concerned that this was his end by any means, because the blood he was currently loosing could probably be fixed somehow by the Kraang. If they could fix him after the fight with Shredder, then they could fix this.

"We can do this all night turtle, now, I will have Kraang fix you only if you assist me." This took Donnie by surprise, and it took him a few moments to regather himself.

"Y-yeah right, I'll never help you." Donnie managed, panting slightly as he moved his head to look u at the towering figure.

"You dare turn me down?" Shredder asked, his voice dangerously low.

"Yeah, I do!" Donatello wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, smearing the blood that had trickled down to his fingertips all over his head. Shredder growled.

But Donnie grew angry too. He was angry that he could be pushed around so much. It was now past that, and he wouldn't take this anymore. "Go on! Beat me until I die, I don't care anymore! I'll never help you!"

Shredder was taken aback for a few moments, but swiftly moved on.

"So that's how you want to play it turtle?" Shredder waited for no answer as he began pacing slowly. "You're only making it harder for yourself." He mocked.

Donnie said nothing. He was determined not to have anything to do with Shredder, and if it meant he would suffer then he would just have to take it.

Donatello closed his eyes exhausted, then braced himself for what was coming.

But no one can expect the unexpected.

A sharp shock burst across his shell, his body trembling as the electricity coursed through him.

Donnie gritted his teeth, bit down in his own hand so he wouldn't scream out. When it stopped he took the oppurtunity to catch his breath, rubbing his hand where he had bitten it. It seemed okay, he expected it to be a lot worse than the small indentations on his hand.

Then a shock of electricity ten times worse than the last exploded on his shell, violently shaking his whole body and he let out a surprised shriek as he quickly bit down on his hand again, muffling the scream that tore through his throat.

It seemed to go on for days when in reality it was just a few minutes. When it stopped, Donatello's teeth were lodged in his hand. Thankfully he was able to abstract his teeth from the now bleeding cut, reluctantly swallowing the blood now in his mouth. He didn't trust himself to spit it out without making a mess of himself.

"This can go on all night, Donatello," Donnie looked up at his name, not used to hearing Shredder say anything other than the word 'turtle', never his name. "Assist me!"

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