25. Our Fate Cannot Be Fought Part 3

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Rated M for things that are mentioned below.. I'll warn you whenever it's coming up.

Leonardo felt like the biggest coward ever walked.

He'd been a terrible leader throughout the whole ordeal back when Donnie had tried to commit suicide right up until the moment he couldn't fill Raphael in on what had happened during his coma.

He'd locked himself away in his room, trying to hide away from the problems he knew he'd eventually have to face. Why couldn't he just curl up in to a ball on the corner of his bed and pass away gently so he wouldn't have to face the world?

Leonardo had now began to scare himself.

His emotions were at an all time low. His mind kept turning back to thoughts of suicide and he knew that was not okay. But where would he go with all these thoughts? Splinter? Raph? No, he couldn't. They'd watch him for the rest of his life and they'd never let him leave the lair, which would ultimately mean Donnie would never be saved. He couldn't let that happen.

Leonardo wouldn't exactly blame them though. He'd do anything in his power not to fail his remaining brothers the way he'd failed Donnie. Why should they be any different?

Two nights after Raphael had regained consciousness, at a very late hour, Leonardo creeped out of the lair, twin katanas on his back and a pair of faux glasses in one of his belt loops. Determination was set on his face as he reached the manhole cover and climbed out of it, scaled the nearest building and took off sprinting.

Atop of Mr Murakami's rooftop was where Leonardo found himself. He yanked the glasses from his belt and pushed them in to one of the corners of the rooftop - the corner he'd found Raphael's medicine in.

It was a waiting game after that but Leonardo forced patience on to himself. He waited for one, two, near three hours before the shadow he long awaited on formed on the rooftop.

Leonardo watched as the slim, toned, feminine figure delicately walked around the rooftop, eyes squinted as they searched the building. Angry and resentful, Leonardo waited until she found the decoy he'd left her: which he'd placed so her back would be to him when the time came, Leonardo graciously leaped down behind her, as silent as his training allowed and creep towards her.

She however was a trained kunoichi and sneaking up on one was never easy. Like him: she had precise instincts and impeccably powerful hearing. Karai did not turn around as quick as Leonardo would have liked. Her movements were slow, deliberate. Her eyes shone with excitement.

"Leonardo." Karai says, the tone that filtered her voice deceiving yet friendly. Like greeting an old friend.

"Karai." Leonardo finds himself saying back.

"I was expecting you to wait. My predictions are almost always invariably right." Karai says smugly.

"I've long since grown tired of your attempts at being two steps ahead of me." Leonardo admits and he fights back the sigh that wants to come along with his statement. "You have hurt my family for the last time Karai. My patience wears thin with you."

"I don't think you are in any position to threaten me Leonardo, not like you could go through with your threats anyway." Karai blackmails but a fool could tell she was itching for a fight with the turtle in front of her.

"That's where you're wrong. I've been stretched to my limits with you, to the point where I'd die fighting to make sure your life is cut short." Leonardo says, deadly serious. Karai studies him carefully, eyes steadying on the blue ones that bore holes in to her soul.

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