2.Isolated From Everyone

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"Aw sewer apples!" Donatello exclaimed, banging his fists on the table after his ninja smoke bombs exploaded in his face. He was going to put it in the container with the rest of his other smoke bombs, but it had slipped out of his fingers, exploding upon impact on his desk. He wondered if he'd made this batch too strong as he coughed, considering the smoke that seemed far thicker than usual. Donatello stumbled out of his lab, waving his torn up rag to clear up the the purple smoke.

When he came out, Michelangelo and Raphael looked up from their video game, Raph giving his immediate younger brother a questioning look as he raised an eye ridge. "What did ya blow up now?" Raphael said with a smirk.

"Smoke bombs." Donatello answered quieter than he'd usually have. He was in no mood to dig back at Raphael since his encounter with April, which replayed in his head and reminded him just how much she didn't want to be with him.

"Since when did we start whisperin'?" Raph asked accusingly.

"Since yesterday, leave me alone, Raph." Donatello turned back to his lab, deciding he'd choke on smoke instead of being interrogated by his red-banded brother. He made his way to the lab doors, locking them once he was inside and ignoring his brother's question of, "What happened yesterday?"

"Pizzas here!" Michelangelo exclaimed excitedly, rushing in to the lair with April and Casey trailing after him. Donatello sighed a long suffering sigh, unlocking his lab doors to join his family who were sitting in a semi-circle in front of the t.v. He sat down beside Leonardo on the floor, glancing in April's direction who had been waiting for him to look at her, getting a burning glare from the red head who swiftly wiped it from her face before anyone else could notice it. She inched closer to Casey with a smug look, not looking in Donatello's direction again.

Donatello blinked his burning eyes, ignoring the fluttering in his heart and wondering what he'd done to deserve thE treatment he was receiving. He tried shrugging it off, getting his slice of pizza and picking at it uncertainly, observing his youngest brother who was eating all he could.

He chanced a few glances at April, his heart fluttering wildly as April gave the dirtiest look she could muster towards him. 'If looks could kill, I'd be in an early grave.' Donatello thought, averting his gaze to the floor and trying to ignore the burning glare he could sense April was trying to get him to notice.

'Why is she doing this? I told her I loved her, not that I hated her.' Donatello found himself thinking after a while, staring at his pizza which was growing cold. He felt that the pangs of hunger had long since gone, and he placed his food on the ground, walking back to his lab without a word.

Leonardo stared after Donatello's retreating figure, noticing he'd hadn't eaten and frowned. He was growing worried at his brother's recent behaviour, noticing Donatello had been staying in his lab more than usual. The clicking of the lock concerned him further, seeing as his younger brother never locked the door.

Leonardo hated how no one else seemed to think it strange. He got up from his position on the floor and followed after his brother, finding the lab wasn't locked to his surprise and walking in to find Donatello typing away on his home made laptop. Leonardo stealthily walked towards him, taking a single glance at the writing and understanding nothing.

"Hey Donnie...what's up?" Leonardo asked with a grin when Donatello jumped in his chair.

"Making plans for a new project, and any need to scare me like that?" Donatello said with a glare, turning to Leonardo who had a sheepish look on his face.

"Sorry..." Leonardo couldn't help the small smile on his face, "Looks like another language," He said with a look at the writing on Donatello's laptop. A few moments passed until Leonardo spoke again, "So why have you been in here the whole day?" He said, emphasising the word 'whole'.

"Im always in here." Donatello mumbled with a dismissive tone, turning to type on his laptop once more.

"Yeah, but you never lock the door, and how come you didn't eat anything?" Leonardo asked, walking over to stand beside his brother with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Im not hungry." Donatello mumbled again with a shrug, resuming his typing without faltering.

Leonardo sighed, maybe he was worrying too much. It wasn't a rare thing for Donnie to skip dinner or lock the door when he was working on something he didn't want anyone else to see.

"Well okay then, see ya around I guess," Leonardo said turning to the door and stopping just before it.

"Bye." Donatello said without turning to his brother.

When Leonardo walked back into the living area, April stood up and walked over to him, everyone else still talking and watching t.v.

"Everything okay Leo?" She asked concernedly.

"Yeah." Leonardo responded, returning to his position on the floor as April went walking in the direction of Donatello's lab.


"Hey crybaby." April said once she'd closed and locked the doors to the lab upon her arrival.

"Uh hey April." Donatello said, looking up from his laptop and turning towards her.

"What's with all the mopping around? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and grow up."She said with a glare, crossing her arms over her chest.

"B-but I'm n-not." Donatello responded.

"Okay... you worthless mutant, use that oversized brain of yours and quit acting the depressed little idiot! You never had a chance with me, and you never will. You know why?" She stopped, as though daring Donatello to answer her and the turtle didn't.

"Because your just an ugly, oversized turtle." She said in disgust and Donatello blinked his burning eyes.

"At least Mikey's cute, Leo's handsome and Raph's cool and..hot," April said boastingly and Donatello remained silent.

"You? Pfft...your freakishly tall, your annoyingly nerdy, not to mention the worst looking of you four, and your just a complete waste of space" April spat.

"A-April.."  Donatello tried to speak but was cut off by April.

"And you stutter when your nervous." She scoffed.

"Why are you saying all this?" Donatello said as his tears started streaming down his face.

"Because it's all true." April whispered tauntingly.

"It's not..." Donatello whispered, trying to convince himself more than anyone else. That's when April did something completely unexpected and slapped Donatello right across the face, knocking his glasses off and stunning him into silence.

"It..IS!" She gritted through her now clenched teeth. "Don't talk back to me, Donatello."

To Donatello she was just a blur. He couldn't see her properly without his glasses, and his tears weren't helping. Donatello reached down for his spectacles when she marched over and stood on them, a loud crunching noise signalling she'd broke them.

Donatello looked up at her in complete shock. He couldn't understand how April had come to hate him so much that she'd hit him and then break one of his possessions. April walked out without another word, leaving Donatello to think what he'd ever done to deserve this.

Okay, time to hate on April!

Yeah I meant it when I said she was nasty in my book lol XD

Please comment what you think :)

Till' Next Time!
-Aoifetello xxx

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