Chapter 16

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Daniella's Pov

Sab and I have been getting closer and talking for about 2 and a half weeks now, we both are in love with each other. She makes my heart skip a beat. Cooper keeps trying to ruin what Sab and I have. He wants her back but every time Sab tells him no he screams at her telling her she has too.

???: you asked me... how I'm doing.... I would say I'm doing just fine
Anna: who's singing???
???: I would lie and say that you're not on my mind.
Eva: pretty sure it's Sab

I know she loved Cooper back then but since she caught him cheating and telling her lies. She lost all them feelings.

Dev: yep, she has been going through a lot of this emotions with Cooper n Cynthia getting into her head. Mostly cooper though.
Sab: but I got out... and I sit down at a table set for 2
Me: I don't think they need to explain though. They hurt my best friend. I don't give a fuck what they gotta say.
Sab: and finally I'm forced to face the truth
Sab: no matter what! I am I'm over you!
Me: Emma stfu no one asked for ur opinion
Emma: sorry..

I smile after the singing ended. I go to the kitchen to get an ice coffee. There was a knock at the door, Mads went to open it and in came running in was my brother and my niece Madison.

Me: hey what are you doing here? And how did you know where I live?
Jamie: you have millions of fans and half of them know where you live now. There's loads outside
Eva: fuck sake
Anna: can't have peace man
Dev: we also moved and never told the fans the address...
Madison: hey AUNTY Dani
Me: hey Madi
Jamie: Dani, I'm sorry for phoning the police on you. Shannon Shannon told me the actual truth. You were here and not in the uk and you didn't touch that skank. We have broken up for some space and I came here to talk to you as it will be better than over the phone.
Me: oh... okay. Thank you?
Mads: wait we have the same name?
Me: Madison, yup

*Skip few days*

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen for lunch. We were talking about the days and what we have planned.

Madison: aunty Dani why were you cutting those flowers this morning??
Me: well because they were really pretty
Madison: I thought you said you cut yourself because you're not.
Sab: babyy...
Emma: are you okay love?
Eva: bae are you alright??
Dev: do you wanna talk about it?
Me: erm- uh- i don't know.

I look up at them all.

Me: I think I'll go outside in the hot tub
Sab: I'll come baby
I nod my head and walk out. I love when Sab comes along with me and keeps me safe. It is hard mental health. Sab has been wonderful to help me. But also the girls have. I sit in the hot tub with my clothes still on. You only live once. Sab comes out and sits beside me in her bikini.

Sab: you okay babe?
Me: yeah I'm good.
Sab: the girls and I will always be here for you. If you need to talk or shout or even rant we'll listen to you and talk to you!
I smile and look at her. I appreciate everything she does with me. I fall for her even harder than I usually fall for a girl. We look in each other's eyes and I leaned in, she also leaned in. Her soft lips brushing against mine. Our lips moved in sync...

Yes I want to marry this girl..

Thanks for reading!!

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