Chapter 21: The Final Fight

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Once Kaitlin shouted her battle cry, she sprinted out of the building and threw her boomerang.

Fred facepalmed, and looked at Greg while holding a sword type thing, "Just like the old days?"

Greg nodded, and both of the trainers left the building. But Evanz stood there for a little bit. So many things were racing through his mind. Was this all his fault? No. Could he have stopped Fred, Greg, and Kaitlin from losing their bending? Maybe. Did he deserve to be the Avatar? He couldn't answer that one. He wouldn't wish this stress on anyone. But he didn't want it either.

After he stood there, for what seemed to be hours but was actually only a couple of minutes, Evanz finally brought himself to leave. He regretted a lot when he took a step out. Evanz had to stand there for a bit to take it all in.

There was about a thousand people wearing BITD uniforms, and holding whatever weapons they had. There was probably even more, but with all the chaos, Evanz couldn't quite tell who was who. He was able to make out Rage and Hollow who were working perfectly together. Rage would hurtle rocks at people stunning them, and Hollow would finish them off, and if there were projectiles coming their way, Rage would raise a rock wall around them, keeping them safe.

Evanz laughed a little, being a bit surprised that they could actually work together, let alone so well. Then Evanz looked over to see Jessica and Fluke, standing back to back, bending their elements in sync. It was like synchronized swimming, but without the swimming, and it involved both fire and water.

Evanz then saw Richelle and Morgan combining their bending. Richelle would raise rocks, and Morgan would coat them with ice, making them at a point. Then Richelle would just do enough damage to stop the BITD people from fighting, but not enough to kill them. Then they would switch. Richelle would coat a water blob with rock, and Morgan would launch it like it was a grenade.

Finally he decided to join the fight, ignoring Kaitlin who caught her boomerang and shouted, "Boomerang, you do come back!"

Evanz was making his way to his friends, by clearing out a path using various elements. Once he made it to Jessica and Fluke, who happened to be the closest, Evanz was instantly scolded by both of them, as they were still fighting of course.

"'Bout time you got here! If you would have taken any longer, I would have had to sacrifice Kyle over there." Jessica said, still bending.

Evanz was able to see Kyle, holding a stick, and he was beating the BITD people down with it.

"We should get the others!" Evanz shouted to Fluke and Jessica.

"Strength in numbers!" Fluke agreed.

Evanz, with the help of Fluke and Jessica, was able to make it to Morgan and Richelle, who nearly impaled him with a ice rock. Jessica then explained to them that it would be better if we stayed as a group, because it would be easier to survive that way. They of course nodded in agreement. They then made there way over to Rage and Hollow.

Once they made it over to them, Fluke told them what was up. While Fluke was telling them that, Evanz was wondering what they were going to do next. Then it hit him, he had to stop the mastermind behind all of this.

Evanz shot his plan down quickly though, he knew he wosn't going to win by himself; he knew he wasn't strong enough. But he didn't want to ask his friends for help either; he put them through enough trouble. But his thoughts were interrupted by Jessica talking to him.

"Are we just going to stand here and get weaker and weaker, or are we going to put a stop to this?"

Evanz had to think about what Jessica just asked him, it was like she read his mind. Then it hit him, she can read minds...

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