Introduction, Explanation (and Author's note)

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(Feel free to just skip this part. It just explains whatnot. And yeah. Also shout out to my pal the peanut guy. Just kitten. Shout out to Scraggles16. She is helping with about half of the dialogue. So if it's bad. Yell at her)

Heeellllooo, people of the Internet. I welcome you to a story of amazingness. Don't worry. There are no mazes.

Okay so, I bet you are wondering "Where is the story!?" Or "Why is there an A/N here!?" Well you are in luck story explorers. I have answers (not to everything though. That would be cool)

Answer time! I don't like A/N's as much as the next person. But I like a bit of explanations. So why not explain the story right now? I'm getting there. Hold on to your horses (and for all you people who don't have horses around. Either find one. Or find another animal like a squid. Or hold on to some random person next to you)

There did that answer you questions? Yes? Good, you have time for cookies now. No? Too bad, I'm sorta sorry. Not really why should I be sorry? But just in case I didn't answer your question. Here's the answer: RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! (Thank you RageGaming).

So enough ranting. What is this story about? Picture this... Two groups, of three and four. Bam! The one group is the RageGaming Crew. The other, you shall never know. Unless I tell you sometime. Anyway... These two groups hear a rumor about the Blood Moon giving you some sort of powers. And they think "Why not?" What are these powers? They are of course the bending powers from Avatar. And I figured that I would combine the Crew and Avatar. And there you have it, a fanfiction.

I will inform you now, I have never. And I mean never written a story. Ranted stories yes. Wrote them no. So wish me luck. And finally here is the story.

~ahh gooodbyeee~ (thank you again RageGaming) (I might need to quit quoting him. Nah). (Also I own none of the pictures.)

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