Chapter 11: My Specialty

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After the benders day off, they all went to sleep thinking that the next day will actually have normal training.

Hollow was the first to get up, but he was quickly followed by the awakening of the others, except Rage, he hid back under his covers when he saw the time.

After the guys took the time to wake up, Hollow figured he would check what they had to do today, secretly hoping that they didn't have to train, that way he could convince Rage to head to the dojos, without the others. But alas, Hollow didn't quite get what he wanted when he read the board:

Benders in training, Today you can finally train. But we want to see how well you can bend against the other elements. Also to test for any special properties you may have. Therefore you will be meeting at the dojo, at the very far end of the hall, (where the other dojos are located, we know at least one of you would walk into the wall at the end of this hallway.) Signed Your Trainers.

Hollow sighed at the thought of having to train with everyone, but it was more of a sigh of relief, because he didn't want to deal with Jessica. So he walked away from the board, and went to tell the guys, and wake Rage up.

After telling Fluke and Evanz what was going on, and waking Rage up, with fire, they all head to knock on the girls' door, to wake them up.

But surprisingly to them, the girls were already awake and knew what as going on, it was just the matter of getting Jessica to stop playing video games. As the guys knocked on the door, loud enough so it would have woken them, they get a shout from inside: "IT'S OPEN!!!"

They stand there a bit, and decide now is as good of a time as any to enter. As soon as they open the door they regret it... Rage being the brave soul that entered first was of course the first to witness the scene:

Jessica was in a fetal position towards the corner, hissing at Richelle who was trying to confiscate the 3DS that was in her hands, while Morgan was trying to coax Jessica out with a cup of milk, and a cookie.

Upon seeing the guys standing at the door, Morgan sits down her bribes, and looks at them questioningly.

"Ummm... We're going to go train now..." Fluke said cautiously, as he was backing further away from the door, with Rage quickly following.

Jessica now satisfied that she has wasted enough of her friends' time, gets up, gently puts her 3DS away, and begins to follow the guys, who quickly fled. Who was of course was followed by the other two, who were quite annoyed with their friend.

The guys quickly reached the dojo, and entered. Jessica quickly entered behind them. Meanwhile the other two girls, were questioning who this random guy was, and why he was standing outside of the dojo.

Richelle was the first to notice the guy, but she ignored him, and went to enter the dojo, while Morgan decided it would be a great idea to talk to the stranger.

"Hi!" Morgan cheerfully said, while waving to the guy, walking towards him.

The guy began to internally freak out, because he didn't want to talk to her. But he responded cautiously, "H-hello?"

"I'm Morgan. What's your name? And if you don't mind me asking, but why are you here.... Are you a bender too?!"

"Um... Yes? I am a bender...." The guy said, slightly confused, "Oh, but not with this group, I was here with the last group..."

"Cool!! What type of bender are you? I'm a water bender! And what did you say your name was?"

"I'm an... earth bender? And my name is... Clay? Yeah, Clay!" 'Clay' quickly responded.

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