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*At a high school in America*

Two girls can be seen at their lockers. All of the sudden a short girl, not as short as the one, with short brown hair runs up to them.

"Hey Jessica!" she practically jumps with excitement.

The tallest, known as "Jessica" sighs, "What?"

"I found something," she sings to an unknown tune.

"And that is...?"

"We can have superpowers!!"

"Superpowers!?" the other girl chimes in.

Jessica responds with a hint of excitement, "Like what kind?"

"Well from what I've heard," the brown haired girl starts, "it can be anything as long as it relates to the earth and whatnot."

The other girl lets out an audible mumble, "Darn it..."

Suddenly Jessica's eyes widen. "FIRE POWER!!" she practically screams.

The brown haired girl smugly states, "I want water bending."

"Well, I'll take earth bending. I want to be different," the other girl replies.

Jessica snickers to herself, gaining looks of her two friends. Still snickering she explains, "Looks like you ARE a Ragican. Rage says he's an earth bender."

The girls eyes widen, greater than you would think humanly possible. She shouts in pure horror,"NOOO!!! Please tell me you are lying to us Morgan!!"

The brown haired girl known as Morgan just looks at the horror stricken girl and smugly replies, "No, I'm not. But there is a price to pay..."

*During a Skype call in England*

A British "man-child" is having a nice chat with his two friends. And what he would call a sheep. (Sorry Evanz)

The Brit known as Rage or Josh starts his explanation over again for the fifth time, the first four being interruptions from the others and the most recent being a spider, "Okay, okay. So guys the price to pay is to lose a memory bu-"

"Which memory?" the jolly blonde known as Fluke interrupts again.

"Fllluuuuke. Quit interrupting m- wait did you ask a relevant question? Woah. I can't handle-"

"Josh, just answer the freaking question so we can start recording. Since this was sooo important to tell us now," the tea-lover Hollow plainly states, annoyed now.

"Well you're no fun man. And it was important! And it still is!" Rage receives multiple stares from the computer monitor, "Okay fine. As I was saying. You don't get to choose which memory... The moon decides for you," he ominously whispered the last sentence.

Hollow just looks at him. He proceeds to take a sip of tea, "Josh... Don't be ridiculous. That couldn't happen. Nor will it happen."

Suddenly the Welsh known as Evanz speaks up, "I don't know. For once he could be telling the truth." Both Fluke and Hollow stare in shock. "I'm kidding. Since when is Rage right about anything like this?"

Hollow and Fluke breathe a sigh of relief, and Rage feeling "hurt," begins to whine.

After about 15 minutes of complaining, the video can start. But little did they know that what Rage said is actually true. And they will find out soon enough.

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