Chapter 4: You're Coming with me...

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After the fire broke out at the school, the police arrived. All of them being unsure of what really happened. All they got from a surveillance video was that Jessica was the one who started it. Meaning that she has to be questioned, and who better to question her, than the rookie who just mysteriously showed up.

*Jessica's PoV*

After the fire... that I started. We were all sent home. Which was all fine and dandy for me, I could now have a pleasant rant with Morgan.

After about 30 mins of ranting, and making up random stories, like what we would do in the case of a zombie apocalypse, I hear someone knocking at the door.

"Ooh. The pizza must have came, Morgan." I said to my iPod. That was like a normal thing for us to say when someone knocks.

"Where did you order pizza? No one delivers here."

"Well if it's not the pizza, then it's the cops." I said to her jokingly.

"Just go get the door." I nod to the camera, and I stuff her in my pocket. Then I hear a muffled tune, "Pocket Adventures, Pocket Adventures..." I just smile and walk to the front door.

Then I see it. The person standing outside my door... I begin to panic... They know! how did they find out?! "Um... Morgan?"

"Yeah? Did you get your pizza?"

"Um... no... It wasn't the pizza?"

"Then what was it?"

"Option 2."


"Option 2... As in the police..."

"What?! Well answer it, and act natural" I nod, go on a "okay" montage, and breathe in. I can act... I'm good at acting... Right? I am totally going to get arrested... for not doing anything, or at least not understanding it. I just breathe one more time, accept the fact that I'm a fire bender, and will now probably get arrested, and open the door.

"H-hello, officer."

"Are you Jessica?"

"Um... Yes?"

"I need you to tell me where you were at last night." Well that went unexpected... I guess he already knows about the fire. With my luck, there was a camera...

"Um... Nowhere important."

"You didn't happen to be moon gazing, did you?" Clearly he knows the answer to that one... I can tell in his tone.

"Um... Maybe..."

"Just tell him the truth!!" I hear coming from my headphones...

"Okay fine I will!" I yelled back to my pocket.

"Um... Did you just yell at your pocket? You know what don't answer that. How many of you were moon gazing last night?"

"Um... two?" I lied. I can't get Richelle arrested too.

"Okay. And what is this other friends name?"

"Um... Morgan."

"Okay, so why were you two moon gazing?"

"Morgan told us that it would be fun and stuff. And we had to walk up a hill. Which I complained, and Richelle yelled-"

"Wait. Richelle?"

"Fudge muffins.... Yes."

"Is that all of you, or is there more that I should know about?"

"No... that's it."

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