Chapter 2: The American's First Day

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The next morning, a Monday morning to be exact. The girls scrape themselves off the earth, starting with Morgan, then Richelle, and finally Jessica. Both Morgan and Richelle panic a bit, over as to why they were lying in the grass. All while Jessica calmly gets up, as if nothing happened, and that it is just like any other day.

"Ahh, we must have just fallen asleep," Jessica says as she shakes off the morning dew. Gaining her a quick glare from Richelle.

"Nooooo! We did NOT just fall asleep!" Richelle yells to Jessica.

"It's magic!" Morgan adds to the discussion.

"Well whatever it is," Jessica starts, "we need to get to school. I'm pretty sure today is Monday."

"How are we supposed to get to school?" Morgan wonders aloud, but she did mean for it to happen. She wanted an answer.

Richelle suggests that they can walk. Which causes Morgan to freak out a bit, "What!? We can't go like this. My hair is all messed up. Are you crazy!?"

Richelle calmly answers, "Apparently I am."

"But my hair. I can't go to school like this!"

"Then walk home, fix it up, then walk to the school."

"I don't think I'll make it."

"You hair is fine... Just get that twig out of it."

Jessica suddenly processes the conversation the other two were having and begins to freak out. A lot, "WE HAVE TO WALK!?"

Richelle just facepalms. Mutters that she is friends with two completely mental people. She grabs her bags that she brought from the night before, and starts walking. Ignoring the other two.

After an annoyingly long walk, and only fourteen threats from Richelle to Jessica, one being over a pebble Jessica named "Kevin," the three girls make it to school in the middle of 4th period, and head to their respective classes.

Once the bell rings, informing everyone that it is now 5th period, the girls go to their lockers and all grab their gym bags. Because surprise surprise, it's gym class.

*Richelle's PoV*

As we get changed in our gym clothes. We figure it'll be best if we just wait out in the hall. Mainly because none of us want to die from the copious amounts of perfume fumes.

We get out in the hall and suddenly it hits me, today being Monday, being the start of a new unit, the BEST unit. "YEAH!! Soccer Day!!" I shout to my two friends. I still wonder how I managed to be friends with them. At least Jess, she is way too mental for her own good.

And speak of the devil, there is Jessica's complaint of the hour. "I just walked who knows how many miles. I am NOT playing soccer!" she whines in this sort of shouting fashion. I have no idea how she does it.

"You must." And that's all I tell her.

"But I don't want to... Quick Morgan break my leg!!"

"No!! Why would I break your leg!?" Morgan quickly tells her.

Jess gets all sad looking. Which I know for a fact that she is just acting. I want to know how she can act that well, because when she has to act, a dead animal would do better than her. Jessica then gets her horrid "idea" face. And she announces that she has a plan. Oh god. What could it be now.

"Oh God, what is it?" Morgan asks for me. Jess just leaves and walks to our gym teacher. I can't quite make out what she's saying but I think it's safe to assume that she's telling Mrs. S that she doesn't feel well. And now she is beginning to beg. She must have gotten a "no". And she now has her "disappointed" face on. Why does she have so many faces? And great she's coming back.

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