Chapter 13: Learning Some New Things

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*???'s Location (3rd Person PoV)*

"Okay... So room 4 today?" Someone of the group spoke up.

The 'leader' of the little group just sighs and nods his head, as he leads his group to an interrogation room.

They cautiously enter the room, which is almost pitch black, and wait for their interrogation subject to come to again. Once the subject finally comes to, they begin the interrogation.

"Glad you're awake..." The interrogator said.

"What? Where am I? And what is this place? Who are you?!" Alex began to fire off questions.

This caused the interrogator to snap, "WE will be the ones asking questions here!!"

After a slight pause, the interrogator continued, "Look, air bender, we just one question answered and we'll leave you alone."

Alex sat there in silence, and glared at the interrogator, or at least he thought he was, it was too dark to see where the talking was coming from.

After a little moment of silence, the interrogator spoke up again, "So, who do you think the Avatar is?"

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked, actually confused about the question.

"THE AVATAR!!! Which one of the new benders do you think it is?" the interrogator snapped.

"Tell me how I'm supposed to know this. None of them are mine, and what makes you say it's one of them?"

"I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T READY TO BE QUESTIONED!!!" The interrogator shouted, at a member of his group.


"NO!! I told you to wait until they also narrowed it down!! Buuut noooooo. You didn't listen to me!"

"If I may cut in-" Alex started.

"NO!! SHUT UP! We aren't getting anything else out of him, not that we were... Let's go!" The interrogator began to leave, but he turned around to face Alex, "We'll see you again."

Before Alex could respond, the door to his room was closed, and locked shut.

*Normal PoV (3rd Person)*

The morning after Rage had his "nightmare" the benders went to go train. Except Rage, he refused to leave his bed, telling Hollow that he didn't want to run into Sally again. Although Rage refused to mention all the other things that were bothering him.

All the benders, after eating and what not, left to go train. Richelle of course training alone for the day.

Training went as usual, and nothing out of the ordinary. After training all the benders decided that they would chill in the guy's dorm, because why not. As they were walking out of the dojos, Jessica saw a lizard.

Jessica is quite fond of animals. What she lacks in people skills, she uses in talking to animals, and what not. So once she saw this lizard, she left to go talk to it. Of course not being noticed by the others, who were still walking to the dorm.

"Hello wittle lizard. Aren't you a wittle cutie?" Jessica said in a voice that would concern anyone who knew her. She then sat down to play with the lizard, which surprisingly let her.

As she was sitting on the ground talking to herself, she gained the attention of 'Clay' who happened to be walking by. 'Clay' just looked at her funny, and kept walking, but as he was walking he wrote in his little book, under her name; -LOVES lizards, maybe other animals.

Once the group of benders arrived at the dorm, they sat in the kitchen, and started a little casual chat. After a bit, Evanz said that he was tired and he was going to sleep, even though it wasn't even 6 o' clock.

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