Chapter 18: Welcome Home!

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*In the Dream Realm: Avatar's PoV*

I find myself in this weird place. I can't really describe it, it just looks amazing.

Then it hit me, I think I've seen this before. But then again, maybe I haven't. I guess that's how cool it is, you think you've been here before but you actually haven't.

So since this is my dream, I figured I might as well travel around a bit. I mean there isn't much else to do here it seems. Off in the distance I see this bubble looking thing, and I figure, why not head that way?

I walked down this weird road, and I finally made it to the bubble. But once I step on it, my world goes dark.

I wake up, somewhere new. "Ugh... Where am I?" I said aloud to myself, trying to stand up and regain my balance.

"This is one weird dream. I fall asleep in a dream, or am I dreaming in a dream?" I mutter to myself.

"Go away!"

I look around to see who might have said it, and the only thing I notice is this monkey thing. I think it's a baboon. So to make sure it was somehow talking to me, I point to myself.

"Go away!" The baboon said.

"Great... I have talking animals in my dream..." I mumbled.

"Go away!"

"Okay! Okay! I got it! I'm leaving!" I shouted at the baboon, then began to leave.

Once I was away from that annoying creature, I breathed a sigh of relief. I guess it wasn't as annoying as some things back at home.

"Ahh you're here."

"Who said that?!" I asked. What is up with all of these random voices?

Suddenly this guy appeared literally out of nowhere, which caused me to jump back a little. Because I mean who wouldn't jump, if some random stranger popped out of thin air.

"Listen to me. You are going to need to get some training." The man said, clearly to me.

"Training for what? And who are you?" I asked.

"I am Levi, the previous Avatar. And you are going to need to know how to bend the other elements. Something has to be done to stop the BITD." Levi said to me.

"There's no way that I could bend the other elements. Listen... Levi... I understand that those people need to be stopped and everything, but how could I do anything to stop them?"

Levi just sighed, and then looked at me, "You need to accept the fact that you are the Avatar."

"But-" I started to say, but was cut off.

"You are the Avatar, and you have been since I passed. You need to quit pawning off your responsibilities to others."

"But-" I began to say, but then I remembered all of those times that I put others in danger, by giving them my responsibilities. All in the hopes for what? To help convince myself that there was no way I could be the Avatar... And now I'm trying to do it again, even though it is as plain as day and Levi is practically spelling it out for me.

Finally I spoke up again, "What if someone finds out? What if the BITD people try to kill me? What can I do?!"

But Levi began to fade away, leaving my questions unanswered.

"Wait! I need to know!!" I shouted at now almost invisible man.

At this point I turn away from the spirit of Levi, and run. I don't want to be the Avatar if it means I will end up getting killed, or getting my friends killed. This has to be fake, it HAS to be.

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