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Hello, Myths of the internet. I am here to tell you that the sequel has just been posted. It's called:

"Four Elements One Crew"

Figued I would inform you all, and hope you all enjoy it.

ALSO!! Thank you all so much for the 2k+ reads. I don't know how to thank you. You are all awesome people, and I am at the point of willingly hugging you all, and I am not a person who likes hugs. I just want to explode of all the happiness. *faint explosion noise in the background* Okay, I exploded, but it's all okay. I'm fine. But still thanks SOOOO much, I cannot even begin to thank you enough. I will find a way to repay you awesome people. :D

Enough from me, go ahead and go read the sequel. Go! I believe in you!

**That's the Cover for the sequel in the media spot. In case you wanted to know**

***Is it bad that this part made this book have 26 parts and it bugs me? I hope not. I'm just going to pretend like it's not there :P***

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