Chapter 15: There Goes Another...

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The next morning, after all the benders started their search for Jessica, Rage woke up screaming to himself.

"IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!" Rage shouted, now sitting straight up, eyes widened.

"Josh! Relax. Nothing is your fault." Hollow said to him, after taking a sip of his tea.

"It is my fault! What happens if that nightmare was real!? I said Jessica's name!! I ratted her out!!"

"Rage... The dream wasn't real. If it was, why would they have let you go?"

"I... don't know..." Rage said, now a lot more quietly.

"Exactly. So it must not have been real." Hollow said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" Rage asked.

Hollow hesitated a little before he said, "Yes... It couldn't have been real. It was just a dream."

Before Rage could comment on how Hollow paused, Hollow got up, and told him to get ready, because he was going to wake the girls up, and wait for the trainers so they could start searching again.

So Rage got ready, being questioned if he was going to be okay by the other guys. And they waited at the spot they agreed to meet at, yesterday. The spot basically was outside the facility, directly beside the tree line, from the forest.

As the benders where heading to said spot, the trainers were discussing what they planned on doing today.

"Okay, we are faced with a variety of problems. First one, where Jessica is being held. Second one, how do we plan on finding her. And third, what's going to happen to her." Fred began to cover.

"Well, for the second one, we could always have a buddy system." Kaitlin suggested. "Like we could have partners, and a group of three, and the group of three being us."

"And how is this a good idea?" Greg questioned, just wanting to make sure no one else is going to go missing.

"Well, if there is groups, we can cover more of the forest in less time. And since they are in partners, there is a slim chance of anyone getting caught. Because these people only want one, and I doubt they would take two, for the sake of taking two, when at least one of them is an innocent." Kaitlin explained.

"Wow, you actually put thought into that plan of yours." Fred commented.

"HEY! At least I had a plan!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now the big issue is, what is going to happen to Jessica, or what has happened to her." Greg said, trying to keep their talk on topic.

"I think we all know what the worse case scenario is; she is killed." Fred mentioned.

All of the trainers nod, and Kaitlin suggests they meet up with their students to tell them how they will search for Jessica today, and Fred added that they won't tell them what could happen to Jessica unless they truly have to.

So after only a couple of minutes, the trainers arrived and told the group of benders the game plan.

With that, the benders split into groups; Rage and Evanz, Hollow and Richelle, Morgan and Fluke, and the three trainers. Rage and Evanz went leftward, Hollow and Richelle straight, and Morgan and Fluke rightward, and the trainers, stayed behind to see exactly where the others went, that way they could go between the groups, that may have a large unexplored area between them.

So the benders set off. Hollow and Richelle were the first ones to find something.

As they were walking through the forest, in search for Jessica, they were also chatting. But as they were having a normal conversation, they triggered something.

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