Chapter 5: You Guys Can't be Trusted...

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The guys all head their separate ways, Rage to his place, Hollow to his, Fluke and Evanz to Fluke's. And of course them being the idiotic crew they are, test their newly found powers.

*Rage's PoV*

I finally get home. Thank Kent I made it back alive. That was an excruciatingly long walk.

Instead of going inside to rest, I sit myself down on the step outside my house. Then it hits me, I just had a duel with Hollow! Meaning I am an earth bender!!

After my little victory dance in my head, I figure now would be as good as anytime to practice. So I sit there for a little bit, waiting for someone to walk by. Then there it is, my first victim.
The guy, I am naming Frank, is just walking by, and as soon as he walks in front of my step, I raise a bit of cement in front of his foot, causing him to trip. After Frank scrapes himself off the ground, he looks around to make sure no one saw that, because it just looked like he fell on his own. He notices me, and just shuffles away, completely embarrassed.

I trip... About 7 other people after Frank. I still don't know his name, but it's Frank now, he should be happy it's not Timothy. Hehehehe.

Then, then this guy comes along. I regret tripping this guy. So, this guy, number nine, is walking by, like the others. I raised the earth ever so slightly just to trip him. Which I did. The guy fell and well... Instantly noticed me snickering. He gets up, glares at me, and lifts his hand?

With that slight movement I get shot, I would say at least three inches off the step, and land face first in the grass.

"You know it's an offense to trip an officer with the earth." I just look at him, like the words coming from his mouth were completely foreign.

"Um... What I don't know what you are talking about officer." I have to lie my way through this.

"Don't lie to me. I can tell when someone trips me via earth bending. You clearly need to learn that you DO NOT bend in public."

I just sit there in the grass, contemplating how he knows that I can earth bend.

"Sir, you will need to come with me. You cannot be trusted. And let me guess, you have friends that can bend?"

"Um... Yeah?" If I'm getting in trouble for bending, they can too, "our duel was pretty intense."

"Oh, a duel. At least it was good training for the two of you. And at least it wasn't a fire bender."

"Oh, um.... There was four of us that got powers. And the one I dueled with, was kind of a fire bender."

"Oh dear lord, we better get him first."

"Wait! Tell me what's going on. I bet you're not even a cop."

"Fine. I, Greg, am here to gather people that have gained the ability to bend, via the blood moon last light. I take them, aka you and your friends, to the training base in the middle of the Atlantic. And fire benders that aren't trained are very bad news when they get upset."

"Um...okay? But I doubt Hollow is capable of getting upset. Unless he runs out of tea..."

"Just come along. We don't need an incident like all the last wave of fire benders."

I just follow the guy, telling him how to get to Hollow's house. And I only tripped one guy on the way there... causing Greg to throw a chunk of grass at me and told me to knock it off.

*Hollow's PoV*

Once I get home, the first thing I look for is some tea. That was a long day without tea. I need that tea to unwind.

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