Chapter 14: Where Could She Be?

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The day after Jessica stormed away, to who knows where, all the other benders were having a pretty normal day.

The girls were the first to get up. And once they awoke, Richelle was the first to notice that Jessica was nowhere to be seen.

"Morgan, have you seen Jessica?" Richelle asked Morgan, with concern in her voice.

"No.. Not since yesterday." Morgan replied, slightly puzzled to where her friend could have went, "Maybe she already left for training today?"

"Yeah.. Probably."

With that, the girls headed to their respective dojos, and the guys did the same.

Once Hollow arrived at the fire dojo, he saw that Jessica didn't show up yet. But he figured she was just being lazy, and didn't want to show up for training. So once Fred asked Hollow where Jessica was at, he told Fred what he thought.

So Fred accepted it, and decided now would be a good time to personally train Hollow on his lightning bending, since Jessica wouldn't be able to bother them. Therefore, making his training just that for the day.

In the earth dojo, Rage and Richelle were practicing their special bending abilities, because they figured they needed to work on them. So while Richelle was bending metal, Rage was attempting to figure out his "blind" bending.

Rage figured that it would be best to practice it in a dark area, so he went inside the little cave thing at the back of the dojo and sat down, back facing the entrance.

Rage sat in the cave in silence, trying to concentrate on his abilities. As he as sitting there, he kept hearing things. Not normal cave sounds either.

He kept hearing screams, like someone was being tortured, or something. Or maybe they were experiencing their worst fears. But whatever it was from, it was freaking Rage out. The screams died down relatively quickly, but it was replaced by talking. Rage attempted to block out the incoherent mumbles, and tried to focus on something else.

After failing at draining out the noise, Rage gave up, and went to work on normal earth bending. Because he was sick of hearing all those sounds. So while Rage was training normally, Richelle was getting pointers on how to metal bend.

At the water dojo, the two guys were arguing about who knows what, while Morgan was just casually training, waiting for one of the guys to hurt one another, so she could practice her bending and heal them.

Although Kaitlin wasn't going to allow for them to reach that point, "FLUKE AND EVANZ!! Take your butts outside and get some fresh air! Then come back in once you two calm down!!"

Fluke and Evanz quickly left the dojo, and went outside, because neither one of them wanted to feel the wrath of Kaitlin.

Upon making it outside, the two benders continued to bicker. Before Fluke could make a comeback to something Evanz said, a very strong gust of wind came through and knocked Fluke to the ground, almost like the wind was siding with Evanz.

Once Fluke scraped himself off the ground, he glared at the now snickering Evanz. After watching Evanz snicker uncontrollably, Fluke couldn't help himself, and started laughing too.

After a little laughing break, the two benders went back inside the water dojo to train.

So for the rest of the day, all the benders continued their training. Eventually it was time for their training to come to an end, allowing them to head off to a dorm like they normally did. Today's being the girl's dorm.

Once they arrived, Hollow scanned the room, figuring he would see Jessica, that way he could scold her for not showing up for training, and to brag slightly that he was able to get better at his lightning bending.

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