Chapter 1: The Night of the Blood Moon

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*At some random hill in America*

Morgan, quickly scaling the hill turns back to see her two friends a good distance behind, "Riiichheellee, Jeesssicaaaaa, hurryyyy uuupp," she began to whine.

The short girl a.k.a. "Richelle" glares and shoots back, "I'm coming! Tell that lazy thing behind me to hurry up," as she gestures behind her.

"Raaaagggeeee. Come ooonnn!!"

"Evaannzzz, why did you choose a hill?" Jessica began to whine back to the girl who brought them to this hill.

"Because it's a hill. And because it's closest to the moon," Morgan smugly states back.

Richelle, now caught up to Morgan questions, "And why did we decide to gaze at this moon?"

Morgan looking appalled, questions back, "Don't you want powers or not?"

"I thought you were just kidding!"


Richelle then sighs in defeat, "Okay..."

Jessica now caught up to the both of them says, "With our luck, this will all be a complete lie."

"What would be a lie?" Morgan confusedly replies.

"The rumors... About the moon."

"Don't you dare say that!"

"Okay you better be right. I don't want to walk up this god forsaken hill for nothing."

"It's exercise. Deal with it."

The three girls finally make it to the top of the hill. And of course with their - or at least Jessica's - horrible luck, it is cloudy and the moon is nowhere to be seen. Jessica begins to whine for the who knows how manyith time, "Are we done yet?"

Richelle glares at the annoying girl, "Two minutes ago you were excited!"

"But that was two minutes ago. This is now."

"Well we can just go home... I have homework to finish."

Both Morgan and Jessica in their wide eyed glory, say scarily in sync, "NO! NEVER!!"

Richelle sighs again for the twentieth time, most because of Jessica, "Okay...." She then happens to look up and see the bright red moon, "Oh look! There it is!"

Because of the excitement contained inside of her, Morgan makes this weird inhaling noise that sort of sounds like she just got strangled right after a surprise, and then intently stares at the moon.

"Oh look, it's such a pretty color," Jessica says with pure fascination.

Richelle's face turns to pure horror, "It looks like BLOOD!"

"I know. That's what makes it so pretty."

"What's wrong with you!?"

"Hollow, you should know what's wrong with me."

"Morgan how much longer till we can leave? There is something mentally wrong with her."

"Yeah Evanz, how much longer?"

Morgan still staring at the moon replies, "Well, it just revealed itself so we can now see it. Hmmmmm. Now we wish for what power we want, I guess."

Richelle being much too confused for her own good, "Okay?" accepts it, "On the count of three, we shout it out."

"Sure that sounds good."

Jessica practically hops up and down, "I got the countdown guys!! 3...2...1."

All three shout their respective bending request. Jessica's being fire bending. Morgan's being water. And Richelle, who also wanted water but wanted to be different, earth. And after a few moments of just standing there, Morgan questions, "Well did it wo-"

And all three girls collapse on the ground, asleep.

*At some random hill in England*

The four main members of the crew are walking up a hill. The hill that Rage forced them all to come on. Hollow then sighs, "Josh... Why do we have to come? You didn't even let me make tea."

Rage turns back to look at the annoyed man, "Because I said so."

"All the more reason not to come."

"Dude... Really?" Rage complains. And begins to whine like a young child.

All Hollow replies with is a single, "yes."

Rage says nothing and continues to pout. He then tries to make the best hurt looking face he can.

Fluke joins the conversation not wanting to walk in complete silence, "Well we are already here, so it's a waste of time to leave."

"Yeah, let's stick around to see Josh's failure," Evanz joins in.

Rage now feels overall hurt, "Glad to see I have such great friends."

In which Hollow smugly replies, "Anytime buddy."

Evanz interferes, not wanting another fight between the two, like the one before they even go to the hill, "So... How does this work again?"

"At least someone cares," Rage glances at Hollow while saying that.

"Yeah we all care," Hollow starts becoming even more annoyed with his friend, "we care whether we are getting pneumonia or not."

"You didn't have to come. I am going to get powers whether you do or don't. What now!?"

"You know what Josh?" Hollow and Rage begin to bicker back and forth between one another, mostly insults are thrown. Meanwhile Fluke and Evanz are trying to have a normal conversation over the bickering.

Fluke all of the sudden shouts, "There's the moon!" But did little to nothing with the bickering between Rage and Hollow. "You know what!?" Fluke looks straight at the moon, then glances back at the two, then back and speaks in his best loud yet proper voice, "Just give them what ever powers you want." Almost as if the moon was a person granting wishes.

The bickering quickly comes to a halt. And Rage, yet again, begins to complain, "Dude, I wanted to say my wish!"

Fluke shouts back, "Well then you shouldn't have been bickering!"

"Now I'm going to get something stupid," and he starts to pout again.

"Well too bad!"

Evanz, being the only one slightly worried asks, "Does anyone else feel tired?"

And with that all four collapse to the ground, fast asleep.

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