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Jeff POV) heart beat.......just nothing a floating soul.... why am I'm here? this hell? this isn't hell,I'm asleep but how am I'm not breathing not moving just floating in mid-air.

I snap my eyes open and looked around I saw my body with a gappen hole in it I wanted to puke but couldn't I was in slendys office, I walk out and went down to mine and LJ room I just passed through the door "am I'm dead?"i said when I got to the other side I heard babies crying I ran down and saw two little babies in EJS arms trying to clam them down "EJ where LJ why anit he with the babies?"I said nothing I walk up to them and put my hand on Raven's checks and my other one on envy's cheek. They quite down and felted in to my touch "shhh daddy here and when your other daddy comes back I'm gonna kill him."I said I same them open their eyes for a split second, then close again it cause me to smile a real one. I really couldn't tell what color they was but I had a feeling that they was blue or grayish, I looked back up to see E.J moving to put them back in their bed I move out if the way. I heard someone calling me I couldn't tell how it was but I known them some how,I looked around to see black "Jeffrey why did you kill us?" A voice called out "hows there?" I yelled out "its us Jeffrey your family why did you stab us we was only trying to help." They said I was shock to hear my parents voices again and one stuck out the most its was liu's

sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)Where stories live. Discover now