the fight/the make up

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LJ POV) I just got back from killing and I had to go on a mission for slendy that took two days.I left my phone at home by mistake I just hope Jeff is OK and the babies if anything happens to them I won't forgive myself. I open the front door to the Manson and walk in the next thing I know a knife out of nowhere stuck into the wall beside my head into the door fame.I look over. not moving it was the knife I got jeff  I look back to where it came from and saw a Jeff standing there with another knife in his hand. "you fucking son of a bitch you left me here for two days and with no way to get a hold of you and LJ having you notice I'm orengent with your childen.8 mouths to that and you left me here all alone do you know how much this hurts my feet is killing me all the time.i cant kill witch is driving my more insane by the minte and i dont think i can do this anymore with beeing prengent getting marry and trying to stay with you LJ.i love you with all my heart but it feel like you dont care anymore" jeff said

"jeff all i do is for you is for you i try to make you happy as prosble and i do love you and i have to leave for two day because of slendy.he had my on a two misson and i forgot my phone here i didnt mean too and im trying to be here all the time for when you give dont get piss off at me its slendy's fault for me been gone for so long and i never know you never felt that way why didnt you tell me sooner."i said hugging him i next pick jeff up careful and carrying him to the couch and layin down with him "i love you jeff and for now on tell me when your upset and we can move the medding to next year if you want?"i ask

"i'll like that and you sould check what i sent you on you phone and btw nice ring tone'jeff said "i'll later but right now i want to stay with you before someone ruin its"and i soon i said that slendy came  in "JEFF,LJ"he  said "yes slendy what is it"we both said."its zalgo he took .sally with smiles and grinny"slendy  side i looked at jeff how looked pisses

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