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jeff pov) "why jeff why did you kill us we gave you everything you wanted and this is what you did to us" they say I was lost for words,"I...I" was all I could get out "Jeffrey you killed us" I was listening to them when. Something in me snap" you listen here I wouldn't have killed you if you didn't lie and I heard what you said mother,telling dad to get the gun to turn it on you little boy and no way in hell I'm fellowing sorry. I really didn't mean to kill Liu I regret that but the rest of my killing I never felt sorry,and as i recalled you never aprove of my sexuality I'm waiting for my husband to set me free of This place and away from you..and Liu I'm really am sorry "I said I turn around not wanting to face them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

LJ pov)( i walked to an old cheast that was Isaac's but i took it...well he didnt need it anymore...i open it with my nail the only way you can because i put a few changes when i brough it here, once i got it open and insaid smelled like old socks and somethig died in it i pulled out an old blanked that issac made and if you guessed it yes its made out of flash that explains the death smell. "where is that soul?" i pulled out my box that i send to here after i got out of it, i reach under some more stuff and found it i blow the dust off "hello Isaac long time no see and your going to help me...set your soul free to get back a life even if you like it or not" i said and teleported back to the mansion where slendy was with jeff stitch up body with an I.V. with blood i guess because how jeff had lose " uhm slendy i got isaac and we have jeff whats next and its 10:45 pm' i said "we need E.J to help out and then we can begain"he said, "i'll be back i need to go check on Raven and Envy" i said then walk to my room i open the door to see them in their beds asleep "uhm EJ you here,' I called out "yeah just getting them a bottle of mulk ( milk ) and as soon as you left i had to change them never again:' EJ said "ok but come on slendy is waiting for us and and you grab Envy while i grab Raven i watnt them to be there when jeff wakes up." i said

i pick him up grab a bottle and walked up stairs to slendy's office i sat in chair and gave Raven his bottle, "in a few more mins' i said as slendy was getting ever thing ready ej walked in with evny and she was crying and had blood on her hand dripping. "what the HELL happen' i yelled "as soon as i pick her up she clawed my mask causing glass to splinter and she cut herself on it and i cant check it out until someone holds her still so i can look"ej said. "hey slendy can you grab Raven while i hold Evny so EJ can look at her hand" i ask "yes" yeas all slendy replied he grab him i took Envy from EJ and grab her hand holding it still, 'there too much blood hold on til i get it clean' he said i was pulled out of thought when i head another cry i look over to see Raven crying "come here baby boy daddys got you' i said and grab him from slendy, "how long it this going to take to bring jeff back to life"i ask "uhmm 1 til 2 days. but it could go faster if we can use some of thier blood like a cup each with alittle of ours blood dont contane anything that human blood dose so you should be able to give jeff two pints and you will be dizzy for a few hours but should be fine.....or wait you pick" slendy said as ej came back and clean and bamage Evny hand.

i look down at them seeing them asleep and i know i cant bug EJ for 2 days i took a deep brathe and let it out 'OK lets get this over with but draw mine last then Raven and Envy and only a cup i want to make sure you dont draw anymore and after that never draw blood from them again, got that'" I said slendy nodded and got the niddles ready and the bags i set Envy and held on to raven arm. i kiss his head "im sorry duddy but we need daddy back' i said as slendy put the neddle in him arm being carful and getting out the right amout and waring his are up, envy was the hard one she wouldnt set still until i started to sing "pop goes the welse" which clam her down.but lastly itwas mine turn i rool up my slevee and slendy put it in fulling up two bags with my black blood that had a red hue to it "OK now we need Isaac's soul and we need death that's all" slendy said taking the last drop of blood

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