.living old remembers

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LJ POV) I lay Jeff down on the bed up on slendy's bed that he uses to fix everyone up in,I grab Jeff's hand"Jeff honey its going to be OK slendy and EJ OK Jeff"I said Jeff grip my hand tighter and try not to scream.I moved behind Jeff making him lean against my chest I started to sing sweet dreams by Marilyn Manson, to try to clam Jeff down rubbing his belly where the babies are that when slendy and EJ came in I stop sing. "uhm LJ we need you to get out of the house while we get the babies out"slendy said "what no way I'm leaving Jeff,I'm staying right here till their out and nothing will make me leave"I yelled. slendy grab something and open it throwing it at me before I had time to reach I was suck into my old box, and I heard slendy called smiles telling him to go as far in the forest til he was called back tien me to smile with a basket on his back and running off. "Well great I'm back in my box,I'm going to kill slendy and I want my Jeffy and babies.

I sat down and look around to see claw marks and where I lost my colors on the floor I moved over to where it was, back in the corner bring my knees to my chest. I saw the marks I made to keep trick of time when Isaac had me 13 years of being in here now I'm back in here,I can see smiles running though the forest. "SMILES LET ME OUT I CAN GET YOU A PLAY MATE A FEMALE ONE ONLY IF YOU LET ME OUT!"I yelled knowing he can't hear me,then we stop smiles looked around before turning in to his human form. And walking up to a couple of people,I could tell they was girls but the sound of there voice I couldn't see them because. I got stuck in smile's pocket.

As he was talking to I was thinking of a way out I can't use magic so thats out I guess I'm stuck in here and I have a really,really bad feeling but I don't knows what.I just want my Jeffy and my babies and I want o be there for Jeff to see my children coming in to this god forshaking world,is that to much to ask for? As I was keep thinking of a way out my train of thoughts was lost by someone yelling "hey smiles what that in your pocket?" One of them ask, "just a Jack 'n' abox'smiles said ( -.- LJ's face) and its broken so you can opening it"smiles said, "oh well and I'm great at fixing thing let me look at it"one of them said "oh no don't touch my box.and there nothing wrong with it just that the handle get stuck sometimes and I need to paint it,other then that no touches"I said to myself.

I felt myself being letter up comming face to face with a young lady she had brown hair the reach her shoulder stitches on both sides of her mouth around her neck,under one eye,blue/gray skin and a black and purple outfit on. "Oh it is a jack in a box come on girls lets open it"she said "julia don't Laughing jack is in there and he need to stay in there unless slenderman tells me to"smiles said in a panic voice, "uhmm no I want to meet him and he is dating our owner am I'm current that I can meet him because I'm your best friend."she said and started to turn the handle to free me then I saw my lid open freeing me, I turn and think her for freeing me and puffed home that when I heard screaming I ran upstairs and in to the room.where Jeff was when I walked in I saw something that made my heart jump with joy and something felt like a blow to the gut.at what I saw

Sorry it took so long to update

sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)Where stories live. Discover now