back from the past

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POV unknown??) Its been over 50 years since I last seen my dear wonderful boyfriend, I wonder of he will look the same or different because of modern times? I teleported to slender forest and started walking to the mansion. I wonder if I'm still allowed in or if slenderpuss stilled hates me for turning someone he loved into a doll.

I pulled out the doll that had beautiful silky smooth crimson hair and tan skin, baby blue eyes and wearing a pink dress. I place my hand on her head petting her before smashing it in my hand then dropping it. Once there I knocked on the door and two Young men stood there with two masks on, one had a black mask with red eyes and a fowey face and the other with a white mask with black eyes and black lips.

"Ma-may we help you?" Ask the one with the white mask said " ah yes I'm Jason the toymaker a fellow creepypasta if that what you will call it, I'm here for someone who I know for many years that Ill like to recounted with." I said "how will that be and we will have to get slenderman before you come in" said the one in that black mask said, I walked in and stood by the door the young man in the white mask said that his name is masky and his partner names is hoodie.

"Where is laughing jack I need to speak with him so as possible, you see I'm his boyfriend from 50 years ago. Before slenderman kicked me out and told me I may not return until 50 years has passed, that's why I'm here to see him." I said with a smile both masky and hoodie looked at each other and back at me, they started whispering to each other

"Hoods you tell him"~masky
" no you tell him and slenderman said not to say anything to someone name Jason"~hoodie
"OK we have him wait until LJ gets back and have LJ explain to him" ~ masky

"OK Jason you will have to wait until LJ comes back and you could wait in the dinning room, while me and hoodie get you something to drink and eat" hoodie said then left to the kitchen with masky.

sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)Where stories live. Discover now