brough back to life

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LJ pov) as the last drop of blood was tooken i felt light headed i look to see Raven and Envy was ok i look at jeffs body seeing him lay there was killing me i got up and walked over to jeff "jeff baby we need you back here wiith your family and friends and dont let satan or death take you with them what ever you do, do not go stay where your are and wait....i love you jeff and remeber you have childern that need you i know you will come back to us and if you dont i'll never find love again."i said and a single tear ran down my cheek

"LJ you need to stand back we have everything we need to bring jeff back, and i want you to take the childern out of the house until i call for you and thats an order"slendy said i nodded yes and pick up Raven and Envy along a backbag if stuff they need (im not carring a diper bag so forget about calling it that) and walked to my carnvia where i know they can be safe. once there i walked to my tent (if you wondering how LJ carry them with two car sets im was to lazy to write it in somewhere) and set them down and puff out a play-pin and put them in making sure nothing with hurt my babies.

i was worry that jeff wasnt going to come back, or something will go wrong maybe that why slendy wanted me to leave with Raven and Envy because they have a souls like jeff and it could be tooken away if they stayed in the house.i walked in the the kitchen to make them a bottle of milk while i was doing that i heard some little gigging while i was in the kitchen i can out to see all the females dead children looking at Raven and Envy, i stand there watching them until i notic two of them was about to stab Raven and Envy so i spoke up "what the FUCK are you doing to mine children." They drop the knives u storm over to the two and grab them by their hair "were sorry Mr.LJ d-dont kill us" the two little girls said crying " kill you I'm going to slaughter you again,you know the rules, never touch anything ill bring in here manly people. But anything I put out side of the tent all of you can have" I said

I look over to the oldest of the girls "watch my children for me I'll be back in a few mins" I said in a demonic voice that can strick fear into anyone. With a nod for her I walk out dragging the two with me still by there hair,I walked up to the center of my carnival and pin the two to a pole that was place there. I was about to slaughter them where my phone went off I quietly pick it once I notice it was Slendy ( LJ =bold , slendy =slanted
Hello- LJ
LJ...Jeff will be coming back we got his soul and it may take a few days..I don't really know how long it will take for jeff, but I have a heart monter on him and a breathing machine you may come back to the mansion..oh and Jeff will be immoral now but there something I also need to tell you when you get here.
OK I'm on my way now bye)
I hung up and ran to get envy and raven i pick them up and ran back room being carful. Once there I change them and put them to bed

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