sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)

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im so soo soo sorry people i lost my frist account drinkblood so heres drinkblood2 and im am making book 2 on this account so here is it)..............................jeff pov) its been 8 mouths now and one more mouth to go to meet my babies i cant wait LJ been killing for me when he kills.we all ready have the babies beds set up and everything else and i cant wait for me and LJ to get marry(flashback third person pov). jeff and LJ was at little deaths and LJ gave jeff and new knife with his name on it and go to sleep on the other side and LJ writing a letter to jeff (im to lazy to get in the letter) and after jeff was done reading it LJ ask jeff the marry him.

(frist person pov now)jeff pov) i said yes to LJ and i hug him and gavie him a biggest kiss every LJ slip the ring on my finger.im soo happy you said yes jeff and i want you to know that we can keep our names the same and the babies can take your last name if you want to he said i would like that and i cant wait to meet the baby and im not having twins for the last time.i said jeff our going to have twins my whole family have twins and its going to happen to you and i know your perolbe scared about having twins. but im here for you and you know that im not going anywhere LJ said i prove it to you lets go to slendy and he tell us who right or wrong

LJ pov) jeff you dont need to prove how right or wrong but if you want to then lets go and if im right you got to ware a dress for to wending.if you right i ware a dress deal i said jeff puls for a mintent and said deal and we shock hands.we pay for the meal and left we go in slendy car the jeff took and drove to the mansion i turn on the raido and sweet dreams was on.i know thats jeff fave song i was driving and i look over to jeff who was lip singing with the song

hay jeff if we have a bot what do you want to name it and if we have a girl what about her name i ask.well if it a boy what about jace and or a girl jade or we can just look at diffents names we still.have 5 mouths to go so it doesnt matter right now jeff said i like thoes names and we not having any more kids til there 5 years old ok i said.

yeah i will like that and maybe we can teach them how to kill and be quite as a mouse.jeff said yeah and i can some manikins that they can praces on then they can move to realy people.i said

sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)Where stories live. Discover now