jeff the killer returns

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EJ POV) As me and Slendy get Jeff ready sendly pulled out a book it have werid santic letters on it, I raise an eyebrown "uhm slendy what with the book and how will that being Jeff back?" I question which he reply " this book is to contract death and for one soul another must be giving to him in return for Jeff's" i nodded in understanding but something was still quite off about all of this.but I didn't question it or slendy but I just can't help but shake this feeling that Jeff will be different,like he lost the last bit of sanity he had left...or am I scared about coming face to face with death.

"Yup that's, its I'm freaking out about all of this" I said. "freaking out about what EJ and you do knkw after we during Jeff back he won't be able to die unless..Mr.creepypasta,or his children kill him because their blood is helping him come there for they have the abilities to kill Jeff and LJ if they wish" slendy said i walked over to jeff and look down at him,his eyes was a foggy color and they seem to be staring right at me i cringe at the sight and i grab some hand cuffs and place cuff his to the bed i did the same to his feet...hey you want to make sure he does run away or try to hurt you. "EJ where ready and remeber do not freak out when you see death" i nobbed and grab slendy hand that was on the other side of jeff

talkign a deep breath we started to chanted

"mortem invocavero te,
facias coram nobis et pone
tibi animam mean ab
invocant another. we"

i could feel the air left the room when a bright glowing light enter a skeletion with old see there cloke on, red pupil stearting at me i could feel myself going insaner the longer i look in them, i force myself to look away. as i was catching my breath i heard a dark,low voice that send chills up my spine "what calls me here slenderman,and you know i dont do favers for free unless you have something in return" he said slendy repliy "while yes i do death,( holding up Isaac's soul) this is for Jeff's now do we have a traid?"

"Yes I been waiting far to long for his soul and now that I have it you may have Jeffrey back." death said pulling out a white spare and handed to slendy, "thank you death" we both said and death disappear in to thin air. Slendy place the soul over Jeff's heart and push it in...Jeff's chest began to move slowly and his eyes began to get uncloudy,
"I'll call LJ and let him know" slendy said and walked off

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