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( I forgot to put this in the twins was borning Oct-31st-14)
Jeff POV) as me and LJ got done getting ready and taking the babies up stairs, to the day cribs and talking to slendy about taking care of them for the day. After we left we went to the mall for some new clothes for me,LJ,envy and raven and also to returned a strolled that we don't need.As me and LJ go to the mall I could tell LJ was nervous about something, "LJ are you alright? You been figgity all mouring" I said "yeah its this werid dream I had last night." He said

Once inside we made our way to the baby store and return the stroller got are money back,and look around for somethings we need back at home. As we walk past a candy store I saw LJ stop and look at me with puppy dog eyes and mouth 'please', I rolled my eyes and walk in with him I look up to the sign that read ' willy wonker factor' "mmmm a whole store about that movie and the chocolate isn't that really good" I said

(I tryed the chocolate and I didn't really like it and I fucking love chocolate)

I looked around and seen something that caught my eye a whole box of cherry globstoppers 'must have' I said to my self and grab it. I then look around for LJ when I found him he was look at stearing at some weird candy "uhm LJ what are you looking at?" I ask "this candy right here was made in the 1800's and I only had it once when me and Isaacs found two pieces on the ground,it testes was really sweet,buttery,and something else like you never had before."LJ turn to me "can I get some please"

"Sure but not alot I don't want to clean up your throw I already do that with the twins and smiles." I said and grab a box pay for it and walk out after,that we spend a few more hours at the mall buying new clothes, cleaning supplies etc. For everyone and back home when we arrive back the door was wide open off the henge's, I ran in and seen everything throwing all over,broken or smash with blood splatter on everything Ben,EJ,Jill,Jane,smile everyone was knock out.

I look over to where Envy and Raven day cribe was, it was knock over and it look like half was burn and a big screatch mark...."I know how made them." I turn to LJ after he sat everything down I walked over to the cribe and peard over it nothing no envy or raven, panic stared to set in "where are my babies" I scream I ran pass LJ and look all over nothing. "JEFF!!!, I FOUND SLENDY HE IN PRETTY BAD SHAPE!!" LJ yelled I ran to slendy and LJ "jeff, LJ...zargo took them"

sweet dreams ( book2 to merry christmas my killer redo)Where stories live. Discover now