Chapter 33

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Javoun Continues...

I repeatedly sent punches to this nigga face, wanting him to feel the way Jewel was feeling. I would sound crazy if I say I was enjoying watching the blood pour from his lips and face.

"Aye Jay!! Chill!!" Rashad said pulling me away from this nigga. He whine in pain as he swarm around on the floor.

"Get off me Shad." I said calmly snatching my arm away from him. I walked back over to him just standing over him looking down at him. Then this nigga began to shake.

"Awe man he's having a seizure."Devon mumbled. I stood there not even caring.

"Omg help him.. don't leave him like that." Jewel said running into the living room. I continue to stand over him watching him shake. "Javoun move and help him!!" She screamed. I looked back at her as her face held a sympathy facially expression.

"I'm not moving." I said calmly.. watching him as he continue to shake.

"OMG!! I'm calling the Ambulance.." I heard Jewel say. About the time I turned around, she was already speaking to the operator. For some reason I couldn't move. Before I knew it I was being pushed out the way.. I looked up to see Rashad pushing my ass out the door.

"Man you gone let them Pigs see you over this nigga, watching him die??" I didn't say nothing I just remain clinching my jaw.

"Aye Dev.. Let's go." He pushed me towards the stairs.. I guess cause he knew the cops would be coming up the elevator.

I kept quiet for a while as Rashad talked my ear off about, what just happen. My mind just continue going back to when I was little and my moms's boyfriend would beat the crap out of her. As I was beating that nigga at the house, I just kept seeing that fuck nigga face.

"You hear me bruh?" I darted my eyes over to Shad.

"I hear ya." I mumbled not listening to shit he was saying.

"Mann bruh you almost killed that man." Devon spoke up when we finally got outside.

"Man this what y'all fell to realize, I don't give a fuck about that nigga!! If he would've died I wouldn't fucking cared!! Y'all act as if he ain't just put his hands on fucking Jewel!! So shut the fuck up about this shit yo!! Like son y'all really pissing me the fuck off!!" I said rubbing my hands down my face roughly

"That's not the fucking point Jay, she was calling the damn police-" Rashad said before I cut him off

"I don't fucking care!! Ya get that??" I got into his face. "I don't care!! If they would've walked in on me with the gun to his motherfucking head I wouldn't damn care. Ya know why? Huh? That's my fucking First love in that bitch!! That not just any fucking female Shad, that's my heart, I'll do anything for her!!." I yelled

"Is that right boy?" We turned around to two white polices.. They walked up on me grabbing me roughly. "You have the right to remain silent anything you can or will do will be use against you in the court of law." I tried to pull myself away yelling at Shad telling him to look after Paris

"I got you Jay!! We gone getcha out!!" Shad yelled once the pigs close the car door in my face. The police was everywhere!

Man here we go again!!

Jewel 👑

"They wasn't suppose to take him to jail!! I only called the ambulance." I cried into my hands..

"It's okay Jewel we know." I shook my head thinking about how worst my day can get. I went from arguing to, getting my ass beat to, my nigga getting his ass beat and almost dying, then last but not least my ex is now going to jail. This is the worst day ever.. And all I want to do is cry.

"Can we go get him out of jail-"

"Jewel?" I looked over to see a sleepy Paris. I really forgot she was here.

"Hey baby? Come here." She walked over to me slowly ass rubbing her eyes.

"Where's my daddy?" She asked laying her head on my chest. I looked up at Rainy and she spoke up

"Your daddy went out for a minute.. And told us to look after you. So we're going to have girl time." Paris shook her head quickly beginning to whine

"But I want my daddy.." She whine out.. Starting to cry.

"You don't wanna stay here with me pretty girl." She shook her head slowly

"Awe man my heart." I pretend to look her and begin to fake cry. I peeked out of my hand that I had covered over my face to see if I was getting to her.. And I was.

"Wait no Jewel don't cwy!" Suddenly I felt her cold, soft, small hand trying to take my hand away from my face..

"Awe look Paris.. You made Jewel Cry." Starr said.. Causing me to really for real. But they didn't know that.

"Jewel I sowwy, please don't cwy!!" She sound like she was about to cry with me.

I quickly took my hand down once I realize she was crying. I wiped my tears from my cheek so she wouldn't see them.

"I'm okay Paris.. See." She lifted her head up and looked at me. Once she seen I was okay she made a smile smirk on her lips. Reminding me so much of her father. I laugh and she giggled too. "Your so adorable." I wiped the wet tears from her cheek.

"Just like you." She told me.. I begin tickling her

"You look better though." She burst out in uncontrollable giggles which made me smile.

"Okay- Okay." She tried to say through her giggles

"Who look better?" I asked her and she pointed at me... And I tickled her some more.

"Okay okay, Me look bettew!" She screamed.. I stop tickling her she laid her head on my shoulders. "I Luh you Jewel." My eyes widen but then they soften up.. Tears were coming.

"I love you too baby." I sniffed.. She looked up at me with a confusing face probably wondering why I was crying.

I then gave her to Rainy getting up going into the bathroom so I could get myself together. I looked at my puffy eyes in the mirror and shook my head..

"Jewel get it together." I mumbled wiping my face with the water that was now running.

I just stared at my bruised face wanting to cry all over again but I knew I had to be strong for Paris..

"Ugh, calm down Jewel... Just take deep breaths." I did a big sigh before exiting from the bathroom. I took one step into the room and it felt like the room was spinning. I stop where I was, basically trying to make that dizzy feeling wash away.

"Jewel!!" I heard before grabbing my stomach and falling to the ground..

"The pain." I mumble before going into darkness.

Sorry for the wait.. School and work has took up all of my time! But I will try to make things better hopefully. 💯😘 Lovee y'all.  Feedback maybe? 😊

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