Chapter 17

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Jewel 💋

I walked into the Rainy's room and she was laying down watching tv. When she notices me she smiled.

"Hey Babe, how you feeling?" I ask taking the seat next to the hospital bed

"I'm holding up. Thanks though." She said giving me a half smile. "You've been crying?"

"Yeah girl, I was worried sick about you. I don't know what I'll do without you." She than reach out her arms and we hugged

"Awe girl I love you. I don't know what I'll do without you either." She said wiping my tears

"I love you too." I said kissing her cheek

"Where Devon?" She ask me

"He's in the waiting area."

"Why though." She looked at my confuse

"The doctor told me and him you was 2 weeks pregnant and the bullet killed the baby." She then looked and then looked away

"I know." I looked over her with a surprise look

"You knew and you didn't say anything. At least you could've of told me if you wasn't going to tell Devon no time soon. Why did you keep it from me?" I ask her. She turn her head quickly away from me. "Rainy talk to me."

"I was ashamed." she said still looking away and letting a tear slip away


"Because how would it look for me. I already got one baby before I graduate. How would look if I have two babies before I graduate? It's stressful already. People already look at me crazy when I go in the store with Special. Now think about that. Don't get me wrong Jewel I would've love this baby as much as I love Special but I think I wasn't ready for another baby. School, work and two little babies." I understand what she was saying a little

"I get what your saying Rainy." I said before the room door swung open. Devon enter the room with a blank expression he looked at Rainy first and then me.

"Jewel can you let me and Rainy have a talk." I nodded and made my way out the room. I walked in the waiting area to see Javoun, Rashad, Starr, and Lovely still knocked out. Smdh


I stared at the wall for a minute and still felt his eyes burning a hole through the left side of my cheek. I couldn't look at him right now, because I will feel guilty. I wasn't ready to talk for real. I then heard him getting up so when I turn my head he was walking towards to the door.

"Wait. Where are you going?" I ask him

"Now you wanna say something. Why are you being like this Bruh? I'm your boyfriend you should feel comfortable and I feel like you should be able to talk to me man." He told me still standing at the door

"I'm comfortable when your around Devon." I said in a calm voice

"Man I just sat their in that seat and reed your hold body language and you looked uncomfortable ass hell." I then looked over at him and just stared. A tear slip down from my eyes that I was trying to hold back since he got in the room. By looking in his eyes I could tell he was hurt.

"I'm sorry Devon." I cried out. He came over to me and wrap his arms around me. I put my face in the crook of his neck

"Stop crying baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." He whisper in my ear and kissing my cheek

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about t-the b-baby Devon. I was j-just scared, and ashamed." I said crying into his neck

"I understand baby. Ion wanna talk about it no more." He told me kissing my lips. I don't want Devon to ever think I didn't wanna have his baby cause that wasn't even the reason

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