Chapter 9

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Javoun 💕 Continues

When I turned around and seen her sexy eyes and her beautiful face I forgot immediately what I invited her here for . By just looking at her I felt chiles going down my spine .

"Heello , J? " she said waving her hands in front of my face

"Oh I'm sorry Jew it's just that your so beautiful."

"Thanks." She said blushing and covering up her face

I smirk at her and removed her hands from in front of her faces.

"Well I guess your wondering why I invited you here?"

She didn't say a word , she just nodded her head to show me that she wanted me to continue.

"Well Jew I invited you here to tell you how I really feel about you from the first time we met till now. It seem like every since I first laid my eyes on you I can't stop thinking about you . Liked Yo before I met you at the drink machine .. I've seen you around school and I had my eye on you the whole time ... But when I first tried to talk to you and you did me sad, that right their made me say I'm going to try to get her . I swear I love everything about you . You make me smile just by thinking about you I swear." I said

She looked at me like she didn't know what to say. Then I had to second guess myself on if I should have told her that or not. I was nervous. I turned around away from her and thought to myself about why in the hell did I tell this girl how I feel and she don't care . Before I knew she turned me around and kiss my cheek.

"I like you to." She said staring me in my eyes.

Right then I felt my smile form on my face . We begin staring at each other for a minutes until I leaned in to kiss her 💋lips . When Ours lips met I felt my heart getting very excited like this kiss was mint to be . Our kiss started to get a little passionate when I relics my tongue off in her mouth . She jump a little like she was a little surprise . She pulled away to catch a breath . She was about to lean in and kiss me again until her phone rung . I stood their waiting for her to get off the phone . 5 minutes later after her phone call we was back hug up and kissing .

"I want you to be mines." I said holding her from the behind , with my face in the crook of her neck

She didn't say nothing she just turned around and looked at me like she wasn't sure what she wanted to say . I was waiting for her to say what she had to say, but nothing came out . I guess she notice my facially expression because she just start saying that she not ready to be in a relationship.

"I understand Ma , whenever you ready I'm ready okay." I said putting my index finger on her lips

"I knew you would understand." She said as she kiss my lips

I looked at my clock and seen that it was almost 11 o'clock.

"I have to get going, my parent are probably getting worried." She said not making any eye contact with me

"Yeah , call me when you get home." I said as I hug her and kiss her cheek

We got in our cars , and went separate ways .

Jewel 💋

The ride home was quite and full of my thought , I didn't know what to say about what Javoun just told me . All I know I wasn't ready to be in a relationship , I mean I like him and everything but I feel like you can't trust these nigga words these days . They will tell you this one day but then feeling some other way the next day . I'm not saying I don't believe him .. It's just that he just going to have to show me better than he can tell me . Several minutes later I was pulling up in my drive way . I walked in the house with my phone vibrating in my hand . I looked at it seeing Xavier name flashing on my Screen .

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