Chapter 25

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Okay, I know y'all love this book and everything, but the way y'all voting just don't seem that way. I have two book right now and my other book gets much more love then this book, but I have a lot of people messaging me on this book telling me how much they love it. So can y'all do me a really big favor and begin to vote more on this book. And for the people that does vote. I REALLY appreciate it and thank you. No heart feeling y'all.

But Enjoy this chapter and Excuse any none purpose mistakes.

Friday After School

The week was finally over, and yes I was excited because I was soooo tired of this school. I walked out the school, with Kandy and Sydney beside me. I had told Sydney I would drop her off at home since her car in the shop. We all got into my car, not saying nothing to nobody.

Suddenly Javoun pops up in my head. We haven't really seen each other this week due to work, school, homework, and practice. My schedule was tied up just as much as his schedule. I mean we talked on the phone, and text here and there but It wasn't nothing like being together. But I really wasn't ready to see him because of what I did to him last time. I was not ready for those consequence for my action. But I decided to take Sydney home first due to the fact I didn't want to come in.

"Can we stop to get some subway. I've been really hungry for some." Kandy said. I nodded cause I was hungry

"Yeah, girl you was really reading my mind." Sydney told her. I come to realize that Sydney and Kandy, had really become close. Right along with Nina. Them three always together in school now.

"I want Chinese food." I pouted

"Well it's a Chinese place right beside the Subway." Sydney say in the back

"Yasss, I've been craving. Sweet and sour chicken, and shrimp fried rice with a egg roll." I told them. Just talking about it made my mouth water. When we came across the Subway that had the Chinese place beside it, I got excited. Lord know I'm soooooo hungry. I pulled into the parking a lot and parked.

"Okay, I'm finna go order my food." I told them exiting the car. I stood in the line waiting while texting Javoun on my phone. He was being really salty. I just smirked at my phone, before putting it in my back pocket. I order my food, and stood there waiting patiently for my food.

"Hey." I turn around to see this man. He stood about 6'0. He was white, with brown hair and green eyes. He had on a pink polo shirt with some Black polo pants.

"Hey." I said back to him looking confuse.

"I've been watching you since you walked in here and I like what I have seen. " I frown and he quickly change up the way he was saying it "No No No ma'am I'm a modeling agency." I nodded quickly, letting him continue.

"Your a bright young lady. And I bet everybody would love to see a beautiful girl as beautiful as you on there magazine cover or modeling their clothes." I blush and smile

"Awe thanks, but I never thought about modeling. And don't you have to be small to model clothes?" I ask him

"Yeahhhh. Well there are all kind of model position. But you my friend would do good with the photo models. You have a gorgeous face, that everybody would love to see." I looked at him and thought on what he was saying. "Well look, you don't have to make your mind up now. Just call me whenever you have made your decision." I nodded and took the card he was handing over.

"Thanks." I smiled at him

"Your most curtly welcome. Oh and my name is Glen." I shook his hand

"I'm Jewel." He nodded

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