Chapter 20

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Javoun 💕

Seeing Jewel again made my feeling come back and questioning myself on why I didn't go back for her. She look even better then what she did before. She got thicker in the thighs. Her booty got bigger and she still had her plump D Cup breast. Her hair grew longer it reaches to the middle of her back. She dyed it all black with Blue tips. I never fell outta love with Jewel I just couldn't make myself get back with her and let her be involved in my baby momma drama. Yeah I got Monaè pregnant and I regret the fuck out of it. I know that night I use a condom but whatever. I got responsibility now. I push Monaè down the side walk as I glance at Jewel one good time.

"Why the fuck you looking at that hoe Javoun?" I heard Monaè say busting me out my thoughts of Jewel. I sigh of frustration cause I swear she getting on my last fucking nerves. Damn I swear I can't wait till she have this baby.

"Man Yo Shut your mother fucking ass up. If anything your the damn hoe. I swear I regret seeing you at that fucking club that night you trifling hoe!" I yelled at her as we got in the car. She looked at me with shocked as her lip Trimble. Ughh man here she go with this crying shit

"You still love her Javoun. She's not carrying your baby I am. She left you Javoun she didn't even want you no more." I rolled my eyes and drove off quickly so I could drop this bitch off at home man I swear I hate her. Now I'm stuck with her for life

Jewel 💋

"Yeah August, I got my stuff pack already." I told him in the phone. Yeah me and August is talking. No we haven't made it official yet but we getting there. He's been there for me since Javoun did what he did at the club. Even when I found out Javoun and Monaè was together. He flew to Miami to comfort me and I appreciate that. He confess his feeling for me 2 months ago and every since then we've been talking heavy. Roy he's like a male BestFriend. He was there but not as much as August has. But Roy got a girlfriend and her name is Nina. She's a really cool girl in fact she hangs out with me, Rainy, and Starr whenever we get out.

August wants me to come to New Orleans with him for Christmas break which is this week. I decided to leave the day before Christmas Eve because I wanted to spend time with my family. August was gone leave Tomorrow, so I would be meeting him out there. I'm very nervous about meeting his family. He told me not to worry cause he know for a fact his family will love me. I hope so. Me seeing Javoun last night made me smile because it lets me know he's okay, but then my blood boil because I always thought of me having his first child. I wanted to cry when I saw him standing there with her. I guess you can say I still love him. Shit I will never stop. He's my first love. I wanted him to be the one to take my virganty. I guess he don't love me no more or did he ever love me I don't know.

"Okay, Just making sure cause I don't want ya to wait to the last minute and miss ya flight. You know how ya is. Wait to the last minutes and realize your forgetting something" He told me

I laugh "You think you know me huh?" I ask him biting my bottom lip looking around my room for my polo sandals

"I know ya very well now. I'm around a drama queen all the time. It's not hard to catch on to y'all habits." He said and I grab my Taxis from under the bed as I continue looking

"True." Was all I said before getting up off the floor. There was a knock at my door and in came Rashad. I scream and ran over to him pulling him into a nice hug. Even though it's been 8 months since my brother left. It felt like he's been gone forever. I swear that day taking him to college was hard I cried the hold ride there. It's boring without my brother being here bothering me and getting on my ever lasting nerves. I miss him and all our old times.

"Rassssssssshad." I yell cause him to turn around to leave back out the door. I grab him quickly and kiss all over his face but not without him playful pushing me off him and wiping my kisses off his face.

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