Chapter 17- Already broken.

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Tonight was my night to lock the Garrison up and clean it up so that it is ready for the morning. It had got to about midnight and I was just mopping up the floor before I finally can go home to my warm bed. It was quite and the only noise I could hear was the heavy rain that I know would drench me as soon as I step out into it.
I had just put the mop away when there was loud banging on the doors. I felt my heart drop into my stomach but I remembered that it could be Arthur or John. Not really caring for who it is, I let them continue to get soaked which would hopefully make them want to give up. But I am proven wrong when they carry on banging. Letting out a frustrated sigh I go and open the door. There he was Thomas Shelby.
"We are closed Thomas!"
"Just get me a drink."
I roll my eyes and go pour him his whiskey while he takes a seat and takes his hat off. We stay in silence until he lets out a nasty cough. Tommy looked drenched and most likely was becoming ill from the weather. I walk round and place his drink on the table along with the bottle of whiskey, not taking my eyes of the ground.
"Shall I leave you alone?"
"No. I came here for company."
I finally look at him again and see that he is pouring himself another drink. I carry on standing and observing him not knowing what else to do.
"Where's Harry?"
"He took the night off. He went to the pictures."
"And Grace?"
"She left half an hour ago."
The room goes silent again and so I sit down. Ever since what happened Monday he has been acting off with me and I have found it awkward to be in just his company. I continue to stare at him while I try to think of something to say then the gorgeous white horse pops in my head. 
"How's the horse?"
He downs the rest of his glass then wipes his lips with the back of his hand. I gulp and see that he looks sorrowful. He tilts his head up and then stares at me directly in the eyes.
"I just put a bullet in his head."
I stare at him unsure of what to say. If anyone knows Tommy then they will know his horses ae his prize precessions.
"Why? Was he lame?"
"He looked at me the wrong way. It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way."
"What a waist."
"Yep. A waist is what it is."
He pours himself another glass and gulps down half of it. I just watch him feeling my heart break for that poor horse and poor Curly and even Tommy.
"You know in France. In France you got use to seeing men die. Never got use to seeing horses die. They die badly."
I watch the now broken man across from me and realise that maybe France changed him in more ways then one. It had scarred him for life. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, letting out a small sigh when he inhales.
"Sing for me like the good old days."
I get up onto a chair that I dragged in front of him and debated on which song to sing. He was now watching me closely like he always use to do and it made me feel like maybe there was still a chance for us even if it's only a tiny one.
"Happy or sad?"
"Okay but I warn you, I'll break your heart."
"Already broken!"
"This night is cold in the kingdom,
I can feel you fade away,
From the kitchen to the bathroom sink and,
Your steps keep me awake.
Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste.
I once was a man with dignity and grace,
Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace,
So please, please.
Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me,
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely,
If your leaving baby let me down slowly.
I hold on to little pieces of what we were,
I know we're long gone but take it easy,
because it hurts.
Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste.
I once was a girl with dignity and grace,
Now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace,
So please, please. 
Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me,
If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely,
If your leaving baby let me down slowly."
There were tears in his eyes that I know he didn't want to shed. I jump down from the chair and grab the bottle of whiskey. I then quickly down it before slamming it on the table and wiping my lips with my thumb.
"I'm leaving!"
My emotions feel like they are going to burst and I can't deal with that. He sighs and then stands up, grabbing his razor cap.
"I'll walk you home."
I lock up the pub and silently walk off down the street. It was that quite that I would have thought he weren't here if it weren't for his heavy footsteps. The rain had gotten worse and I had to tightly wrap my coat around me to save the little heat I have left.
"Are you cold?"
"What do you think Tommy? Yes I am."
It goes quite again and I roll my eyes at how stupid I am for snapping at him but I can't help it when I'm tired. Without warning I feel a warm, large coat being place around me and I realise that it's Tommy's.
"Tommy it's freezing, take it back!"
I turn to him and see him smiling at me. The smile that never fails to make my heart speed up and my butterflies flatter. The smile that I had grown to love before and after the war. The smile that was my brightness.
"I'll be alright love. I just need you to be well."
For the first time in a while I smile, a really big smile. One that Tommy fell in love with and one that made me glow. It showed pure happiness and warmed his cold heart.
"Oh Tommy! You are quite the gentleman."
I giggle at my mockingly comment and I even hear a bit of a chuckle escape his mouth. Moments like these were ones that warmed my heart and ones that made me fall in love with him all over again.
I had finally arrived home after a long night and Tommy had came in for a glass of whiskey. Even though I was shattered, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend a few more minutes with Tommy. But like I said it was only a few minutes because I was starting to fall asleep on the table.

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