Pills (G0z x Albert)

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Includes: Pills, Delusions

Albert was laying on a medical bed, eyes watching G0z in the white room, staring at him as the clown looked at his medical notes "Am I dying" he asks, eyes darting nervously.

"Nope!" the clown said smiling at him "but, I'll have to put you on meds!" the clown said giving him a bag of pills "Come back in a week if you're not feeling better" G0z grabbed Albert by the hand dragging him to the door  while smiling happily "G0z, what are these pills for?" He asked confused "You may experience some changes :o)" the clown said before closing the door on him. 

Albert stared at the door for a while not fully comprehending what just happened, he looked at the bag of pills seeing vibrant colored pills inside. There was a bright yellow note inside the bag, the note was written in red ink it read "Come back in a week if you don't feel better :o)"

Day 1

It was raining when Albert arrived home, everything felt gloomy, grey walls, grey stuff, grey me. He didn't feel good he didn't feel better all he felt was grey. He looked at the vibrant pills smiling at him he wanted to be as vibrant as those pills in the bag, he contemplated if he should take them and forget about his problems. It would be fine G0z wouldn't hurt him...right? before thinking further he pushed one of the pills into his mouth  then drinking water to wash it down. He felt tired and dirty so he decided to take a warm bath to ease his nerves, he laid in the bathtub looking at the grey ceiling above him not knowing how to feel. closing his eyes he submerged himself in the warm water thinking about the clown. 

Day 2

It had rained throughout the night the sun slightly peaking behind the clouds, He looked outside contemplating if he should go leave let it all go and start a new life for once. He decided against it not wanting to dirty his shoes they were already dirty and frail no need to make it worse. He went to the bathroom and looked at the cracks in his mirror and frowned, he really needed to buy a new one or he might cut himself, how did it get broken? He didn't know, didn't remember, maybe he will buy a new mirror if he felt like it. He wanted to write it down in his notebook so he doesn't forget, he's been forgetting a lot lately. He remembered leaving the book next to the pills on nightstand. Grabbing the book he opened it seeing pages and pages of the same phrase written over and over "buy a new mirror" weird he thought he didn't remember writing this down.

Maybe he forgot.

He didn't bother writing the phrase again putting the book down he sighed. He felt tired and miserable, maybe the pills will help? He gaze fell on the vibrant pills , opening the bag he pushed a pill into his mouth.

Day 3

The sun seemed to have gone back in hiding, surprisingly Albert remembered to go to the store today, but before leaving he swallowed a pill just in case, when he arrived he walked through the store isle's determined to find a new mirror, He couldn't bare looking at the cracks in his reflection anymore, it made him feel broken. Albert had a feeling someone was watching him he look behind and saw himself staring at him from the reflection of the mirror. He inspected the mirror, tired eyes staring back at him through the mirror there was a sadness in the eyes Albert couldn't explain.

He didn't buy a mirror. 

Day 4

The sky was pitch black when Albert woke up. he walked through the room in pitch darkness heading towards the bathroom and staring right at him was his reflection. There were no cracks, he swallowed a pill and fainted. 

Day 5

He woke up on the bathroom floor not remembering how he got there, he looked at his mirror, only to be met with his reflection his perfect reflection no cracks in sight, he didn't remember buying a new one, he didn't remember yesterday, when he tried to remember his head started to hurt, maybe it's because he forgot to take a pill yesterday, he didn't remember if he did, he went back to his room and sat on the bed, what should he do? what does he normally do? He doesn't remember. He stares at his reflection trying to get answers. But why? Now what? He looked at the mirror looked at it for hours like it would answer all his questions, all it did was stare back with the same tired eyes, he didn't like it , didn't like the tired eyes and the messy hair he hated everything about it, frustrated he punched the mirror making it crack, tired eyes staring at him, maybe he shouldn't have done that, he went back into his room and wrote "buy a new mirror" in his notebook so he wouldn't forget, he looked at the pill and swallowed ten.

Day 6

He looked at his pill bottle not knowing what to do, he doesn't remember eating he doesn't remember drinking, all he remembers going into his body were pills, Did he ever even go to the store? Or was it all his imagination, of course he did he reasoned, then why is the mirror still broken? Not wanting to think about his problems he spent the whole day eating pills.

Day 7

Albert was in the bathtub, He felt numb tired he didn't feel like moving and doesn't feel any better he looked at his hands submerged in the water before submerging his whole body in the calm waters

He felt calm.

Albert slowly woke up, he noticed he was laying in a medical table to tired to move he grained his head spotting G0z in the room "am I dying" he asked the clown


How can characters in TV shows/Movies swallow pills without water? (#'Д')

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