Rebuild (Napolaen x Albert)

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Includes: Napolaen's slight outbursts (This myth's emotions are like a switch), Napolaen is a bit sad at the beginning (I mean, his house burned down) 

Albert was walking towards what was left of Napolaen's old cabin.

The myth had texted him, saying that he wanted Albert to help him rebuild his old cabin.

To be honest, Albert was still a bit angry at the man for blaming him about the cabin burning down. But Albert did realize that it was his fault for stealing the basement key. which lead to Napolaen leading him to the basement with all the tribesman stolen artifacts.

But Albert wasn't the one that burned down the cabin, it were the tribesman that did it, they came with their canon at night, then blew everything up, leaving nothing but smoke and ash.

Before he could let his mind wander even more. He was met with Napolaen staring down at his old home.

"Such a shame..." Napolaen said looking tired staring at the ground. seeing Napolaen so depressed Albert  immediately tried to sheer him up.

"Well it could be worse" Albert tried to smile "Please, elaborate" Napoleon asked with a tired smile. "For starters, we could've all died!" Albert exclaimed raising his hands, that seemed to make the myth look less depressed.

"Maybe if you hadn't been there the cabin wouldn't have burned down" Napolaen signed "Hey! The tribesman would've attacked you sooner or later anyways. I mean, you did steal there land" Albert exclaimed.

"those tribesman seemed to be fairing just fine, If they were starving I wouldn't dare think they'd waste their recourses on canons to burn my home to the ground." Napolaen said starting to get angry.

"Well... That's why I'm here to help you rebuild. We can build you a better home a bigger one even. With a fireplace and everything else!" Albert said brightening the mood.

"Your right the house isn't going to build itself. Come, let's gather some wood." Napolaen said looking determined "Wait, your not actually going to build the cabin here right?" Albert asked looking alarmed. "Why not?" The myth answered looking irritated.

"Well... For starters this isn't even your land. You stole it from the tribesman, even if we rebuild they're just going to come back for their land" Albert said concerned "I can shoot down some tribesman with my shotgun" Napolaen said showing of his shotgun with a smile.

"What about those demons that like entering your dreams, I'm pretty sure you can't bring your shotgun inside your nightmares!" Albert countered.

"I can deal with that..." Napolaen said, the tiredness on his face betraying his words. "No you cant! if your going to build the cabin here I won't be helping you." Albert said turning his back and walking away.

"No, Ugh...Fine. I'll build the cabin somewhere else." Napolaen said sounding defeated "That's the spirit!" Albert said turning around smiling.

Roblox Myth x Albert (Whump Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now