Bookstore (AkaManah x Albert)

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Includes: Fluff

Albert was walking in a hallway determined to find AkaManah's apartment room until he finally reached room number 44.

He knocked on the door then waited, Albert could hear footsteps slowly coming closer from the other side with a gentle gush of wind, the door opened showing the goat-headed demon.

"Oh! Albert, I didn't expect you so soon." Said AkaManah chuckling slightly "Come in!" Gestured the demon leading Albert into the apartment room.

AkaManah's apartment room didn't change from the last time Albert visited, the apartment room was decorated with the same Christmas lights and had the same tacky room design.

"So, how have you been?" Albert asked trying to start a conversation "Pretty good, the police didn't suspect me at all!" AkaManah said with a delighted look. 

"Police!?" Albert asked alarmed.

"Yes! Don't you remember that my neighbor died last time you visited?" AkaManah asked back.

"Oh, I remember now... Did the police find out what happened to him?" Questioned Albert.

"No, but I didn't invite you to come to talk about my dead neighbor today." Answered AkaManah "Then why did you invite me?" Albert asked suspiciously. "To help me add new books to my bookshelf, I heard a new bookstore has opened nearby." Answered AkaManah "Now come, the book store might run away!" Said the demon while walking out of the apartment room.

Albert followed AkaManah to the bookstore, the wooden store was big, to say the least with walls covered with rows and rows of books all stacked upon each other.

"Now what?" Albert asked confused "You can go choose one book for my collection, and I'll choose one for yours" replied AkaManah excitedly.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Replied Albert making AkaManah tilt his head happily. "Also we aren't supposed to know what book we bought for each other until we're back in my apartment." Said AkaManah before walking away leaving Albert alone with the pile of books that surrounded Albert from every side.

The first thing Albert checked were the popular books thinking if a lot of people liked it AkaManah might like it too, most of the books in the popular section were about people falling in love with werewolves and vampires, Albert didn't think AkaManah would enjoy these kinds of books so he continued checking somewhere else.

Albert went to check for Christmas books since AkaManah's apartment room was always decorated with Christmas lights, he searched the shelves until he finally found a picture book about building a snowman.

Satisfied with his book Albert walked to the cashier ready to pay for it, seeing AkaManah already standing there "I already bought my book, I'll wait for you outside." Said AkaManah with a tilt of his head.

When Albert finished paying for the book he went outside and saw AkaManah leaning against the wall, waiting for Albert. AkaManah looked at Albert for a while before opening his mouth "I think it's going to rain." Said AkaManah.

"If we're fast we might make it!" Said Albert, before they both hurried back to the apartment.

When they arrived inside the apartment Albert placed the bag containing the book he bought for AkaManah on the table.

AkaManah walked towards the record player and opened soft jazz music before walking towards the couch "Come join me, Albert." Said the demon with a soft voice.

Albert walked towards the myth, book in his hands and sat down next to AkaManah.

"So, who's going to give the book first?" Asked Albert curious. "Well, I'm feeling rather curious and impatient right now. So I would like to see what book you choose for me first." Said AkaManah with a chuckle.

With a huff Albert handed the book he choose to AkaManah, the book had a cover of a child building a snowman while smiling "I like the design of the book it looks like an interesting read." Said AkaManah looking delighted

"What did you get for me?" Asked Albert excited "Your gift is right here." Answered AkaManah, before giving Albert a red book.

The book had a head of a goat as the cover the title read "Animal Horns".

"It's a picture book of different kinds of animal horns." Said AkaManah with cheer "but I highly doubt that the horns in this book can surpass mine." Continued AkaManah.

"Your horns do look pretty cool." Praised Albert, 

 "Thank you..." Was AkaManah's soft reply.

"I have one more gift for you, Albert." Said the demon, 

"What is it?" Asked Albert intrigued.

Slowly AkaManah leaned his head close to Albert giving Albert a soft kiss on the lips.

"Happy Holidays, Albert."

Notes: Have a cupcake (Φ ω Φ)🧁

Roblox Myth x Albert (Whump Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now