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homely hellos and hourly hies
a glassed pair of grey eyes,
don't enter this authentic forbidden fiction world,
underneath pink and purple ombre skies
here, you hear
loud cliché cries
and useless tries,
holding on to a fragile, reckless tie

when the red thread broke i was free
and i spoke –
about how the monsters never pained me,
it was their religion that chained me
my lakes, my aches
all the pressure that drained me,
but my religion, you  changed me

when this handmade unbreachable blue bubble drenched me—
in strong silver chains that rust
and leave outlines behind —
wait for me to turn to dust

when the sun finally came up, it rained again
newly painted glass windows, now liquid stained
but don't you still hear a melody?
mellow and faint

turns out it was your voice singing in the storm,
luminary, similar to a thousand windchimes ringing

like the first comfort song,
one right found in all the things wrong
tints of yellow,
a happy little monk

"if happiness is a thing to flaunt,
then i'm unknown to it's ways"
but you do not daunt me,
instead you overlook the creatures that haunt — my hand woven world
the same reason you  never demonize my days

my universe was broken,
so you brought me to yours
a golden fate changing token,
and suddenly i'm winning all my lost wars

i still don't know what happiness is,
but i know who
'tis the lady of honor,
eyes that never met mine, this one's to you

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