in the near distance

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the bleakness of a house
with walls basked in inky light,
space dripping from a height
in the near distance,
circles that rouse
glinting with the forged pretense
of a benign presence

movement of the moon,
cyclic shadow changes
too soon
two, three, four more faces
spriling across the room,
it stands at your level
never switch on the flashlight
if you shall never go feral

as your gut prickles
and something slithers,
from the walls to your hair
and a stare
bores in, cradles your back
don't turn
if you shouldn't wish to learn,
that in the near distance
with its nape fallen on one shoulder
and a newer cresent drenching the running faucets
it ponders
the plight,
looking at your sockets
to be or not to be
then in a wonder,
as you fiddle to resist
with all my might
i decide
to subsist
and inquire
"hello, isn't it beautiful tonight?"

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