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i have no memories,
but i think it was the red
the time i had
and the things i said
my prayers for mercury
and your favorite colour,
that unfaithful summer

i have no memories
but dread talking to another
wondering, if i take them as a lover
you might remember

as i stare down,
lay my eyes on these cowardly clowns
icarus descending
from imprisonment,
falling with a certain torment
people call enticing
wouldn't daedlus' child
have a life of sugar and icing?

i have no memories,
but know
that what you reap
is what you sow
and so,
i ruptured
all that was captured
by a simple greek tragedy

i have no memories
so i sit with compositions by keats,
singing and singing
writing and writing
but i am no william, no butler, no yeats
and my laments
are plain,
strocked in blood that was slain
from quick cuts to a nape,
this monster among men

my starless, empty canvas,
rolled in your pallet
but turned out
coated in tar and scarlet
you insisted to not shout,
but whisper
in this chaos and discord
i adored you once

this is why
i have no memories
and bleed an ounce
forever loosing in this jeopardy
seeping out the slate,
i pick my eyes out
and present them on a plate
poke a critical clot
you-shaped in the temporal lobe,
with one closing click of a strobe
off i go


this is a big leap for me because one of my biggest fears is using the word 'i' in poems and admitting that i am the subject, i've always used words like "you" "them" "we" to avoid making it obvious because when you're vulnerable in poetry people tend to judge. this poem is a unique one because i've addressed it normally without using any replacements. ofc i will not be posting it anywhere else but posting it just here too is big for me. <3

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