nightglow on the anamnesis of an outlying onlooker

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the raining sun,
sings for an audience of none
a human delight
far from the simple sight,
slouching on the barren land
of summer sands

"is it better to speak
or to die?"
to seek
what one must,
or to fade into
a forgettable july sky?

you, of the faith
beloved one of the watchful, wise fates
treading towards the gates
of the silver city
each flickering step lit in
the aureate puddle
of your consciousness

where the derelicts huddle
gather around to catch
sights of the cascading refulgence

thus blooming on the land,
peonies and
and pansies
suitable to only the hands
of the affluent and fancy

when the sun showers pause
and the theologians lack a cause
i unveil my crooked pall,
descending with the sky
along a friend, the icarus fall
what do you seek?
if not the albums of the people
adored by the weak

pull out a chair
and rest assured
for you must witness
accounts — some filtered, some butchered
if you sit under the nightglow
on the anamnesis of an outlying onlooker

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