losing the twele labours

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→[losing the twelve labours]

vinyl scratch calls
winter, natural habitat
heracles spat
on the "welcome" mat

wake in the night
with all of your might
watch as the unafraid take flight
only if you could be,
anything other than

but when the obscene
are finally perceived
in newer lights,
begins an immortal curve
to speak like a human
how could one ever have the nerve?

helios strike
on your hermes swindler,
watch as the criminal dwindles
if only to rise

twenty-four hours
and twelve tiny years,
you shall never be heracles
but replace your eyelids with flowers
and put a ladybug in, for the time is here
bleed if you must
but crusade through these twelve labours first

resulting one that, neither the beautiful nor the damned
could defeat such a man
but he crumbled,
as the pillars of certainty fumbled
and he fell to the land
leading the damned,
they couldn't combat beauty
and neither can you
even if all it takes to be,
is ruinous rusing

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