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"You're one of a kind," Nala Se would say when Cohen was only a child. From a glass window, she watched clones her age work on their tasks and train. She always wanted to join even if they were all boys, that didn't matter to her. She only wanted a friend, someone who perhaps felt just as alone as herself.

"Will I ever get to meet them? The kids on the other side?" She'd ask Nala Se, hopelessly.

"You aren't like them, Cohen. You'll be needed on this side of the glass." She'd never gave an explanation, but rules were rules. Cohen understood that. She's always been so obedient and tranquil, she never questioned Nala Se's authority.

As always, Nala Se would walk away leaving her alone by the one way glass. Cohen would stare through it, watching the boys on the other side. Their faces are all the same. There was no difference in any of them. They all had the same hair, were the same height, same age, and none of them had a unique mark that made them any different from each other.

She pressed her small hand on the window hoping that at least one would see her despite that fact that the glass was only one way. Perhaps they would notice that in reality, she was like them too. For all she knew, she was made in a lab. No parents, no family, just herself and her superior.

On the other side, the clones were working on their flight simulation. Seeing if they could shoot or not. All of them cheered when their brothers would pass the simulation, none of them noticing the girl on the other side. Two separate worlds and lives. Cohen desperately wanted to be a part of theirs. Even if it meant that her only purpose was to be in the military, she wouldn't be totally alone. Maybe she would have brothers who accepted her. Instead, she was like a ghost. No one could see her, but she could see them. No one knew she existed, but she was there.

Several years later, Cohen had received news that she was no longer going to be alone. Cohen met Omega for the first time when she was only one month old. Nala Se made sure that Cohen took care of Omega, almost like a mother to her.

Cohen watched the extraordinary girl grow up. She was a lot different than her, even though they were sisters. It made Cohen question the reality of Omega and her own bond, but she set aside their differences. Omega's hair is blonde with light brown eyes meanwhile Cohen has Hazel colored eyes and light brown hair. Besides their appearances, even their characteristics were quite the opposite.

Nala Se would say to the girls, "The same, yet different. Unique and flawless." Omega was too young to understand what Nala Se spoke of, but Cohen was always on the same page. Sometimes Nala Se would speak of their difference, however, most of the time it was because Omega had a hard time following rules. She constantly compared Omega to Cohen.

"Not much of a rule follower, Omega. Your sister, follow her lead." Omega wouldn't like that. She wished to be her own person, not ordinary. The two girls were completely opposite, but they had a bond unlike others despite the huge gap between ages. It was sisterhood, and for Cohen, she was no longer alone. She had spent year after year suffering in complete silence, now, her blessing was Omega.

As Omega grew, her understanding and her awareness was just as sharp as Cohen's. The only difference was her attitude. She was still a rule breaker, and as always, Cohen was after her trying to teach her manners and principles.

It had seemed like it was going to be an ordinary day. They had the same routines as always. Wake up, clean their quarters, and head straight to work.

"Do we have to go?" Omega yawned and scrunched her eyes.

"Sorry, Meg. Nala Se said that today would be exceptionally important."

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