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Cohen sat on the floor of the ship with Omega sleeping on her lap. She brushed her little sister's hair, it was the only thing she could do. It was weird no longer having any obligations or tasks. Her only responsibility from now on was to take care of Omega.

Cohen couldn't sleep unlike Omega and Wrecker. She thought the ship had gone quiet as soon as Omega went to sleep, but instead, the ship was filled with their snores vibrating. It felt nearly impossible to sleep. She's always been so sensitive to noise.

Hunter walked in from the cockpit seeing that Omega had fallen asleep and Wrecker beside them. He laid on the floor close to them, mouth wide open and snoring so loud, you could probably hear from outside the ship.

"Well, this is a first," he whispered. Hunter crossed his arms, his lips curved upwards as soon as he saw Omega on Cohen's lap.

"Inspecting every corner of the ship finally tired her out," Cohen replied tiredly.

"Yeah, she's curious. I'll give her that."

"She's headstrong too. I don't know where she learned that. Certainly not from me."

Hunter smiled slightly at Cohen. He observed her realizing that she was wearing a brace on her arm.

"I thought you said your hand was only bruised." He pointed towards it.

"Oh, yeah." Cohen chuckled forgetting Omega had placed it on her.
"Omega thought that if I wore the brace, I would heal quicker." She shook her head. "She had a wild imagination."

"She's a good kid."

"When she wants to be." Cohen looked down at her sister who was completely unbothered. "She loves getting into trouble."

"I know this isn't how you expected leaving Kamino. We don't have a lot but we'll do what we can." Hunter scratched his head nervously.

"It's not so bad. Omega seems to enjoy being with you. Besides, you're not what I thought you would be."

"What do you mean?" Hunter came towards Cohen closely.

"I thought you would be like the rest of the clones. Rude, selfish, but instead you're all very understanding. Clones weren't always that way but now they are. I'm just glad you all can be yourselves. Thank you for taking in my sister and I. We must be a burden but we needed to get out of there."

"We went back to Kamino for you. Both of you," Hunter, corrected himself.

"I'm glad." Cohen smiled at him.

Hunter noted the tired look on her face and her red puffy eyes. Although she felt like a mess, Hunter thought she was pretty. Despite being so exhausted, she still carried herself in an elegant manner. Her posture was always perfect, she seemed like the tidy type. The moment Hunter saw her on the platform, he knew she was a sophisticated woman.

However, Cohen was always a simple girl. She had no need to try to fix up, although she did anyway. That's what separated her from most women. The same was with Omega. Their hair and their eyes were a complete contrast, that's what also made their appearances so unique too.

"We are coming up on Saleucami," Tech said from the cockpit. Hunter walked to the cockpit, preparing for landing.

Cohen lightly shook Omega to wake her up.
"Wake up, Meg. We have a lot to see," She whispered into her ear.

Omega fluttered her eyes open and yawned. She sat up from her sister's lap and looked around the ship.

"We're landing?" Omega asked.

"Yes," Cohen replied softly.

"Did you rest?"

"Don't you worry about that," Cohen brushed a strand of Omega's hair behind her ear.

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